[Photo by Allen Semanco]
Over the weekend we heard from someone concerned that the latest sculpture (that arrived mid-September) on the northeast corner of First Avenue and St. Mark's Place was starting to lean, and possibly in danger of falling.
Now EV Grieve reader Allen Semanco reports the following: "Well, whoever was afraid of this sculpture hurting someone, worry no more. It was unceremoniously dragged into the back of an AQEL Sheet Metal (Harlem-based) pickup truck this afternoon around 1:30. New window gates, here we come."

[After 1:30 p.m.]
As you can see in the above photo, the recently arrived chair with the legs remains…
Sculpture? If it hadn't been chained to the sign post sanitation workers would have hauled it away along time ago.
That chair was last chained to the NE corner of Tompkins Square Park. It's like the Jacob Marley of street sculptures.
Anon 3:17: "Sculpture?" Yes, it was a sculpture.
The chain that secured the sculpture is still intact and the guys that dropped the sculpture off there in the first place were in a pick-up truck and the sculpture was obviously made in a metal shop, so what makes everyone think that it wasn't the artist that picked it up because it was broken? They would have noticed it was broken when they moved the chair there last weekend and secured it with the same chain.
It doesn't take a lot of detective work to get to that conclusion.
and here is a video from AQEL sheet metal on youtube, labeled "artwork", of them making what looks like the legs.
Everything's a sculpture, if you want it to be.
I love street art, but, man, that thing is ugly!
The real question is was anyone making money off of this thing? Because if no one was making money on it it needed to go. Can't have things just for the sake of things.
I was about to put some frilly undergarments on her too.
you know I should be showing this to Larry Harvey because it is seeming a little burning man esque. I had the fortune last night to sit in on a conversation between he and the Esalen Instute founder Michael Murphy just last night, talk about being in the right place at the right time :-)
hate to see it go; hope they bring in another incarnation!
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