The city has plans for 124 E. 14th St. at Irving Place that don't include TVs and home appliances.
As Crain's first reported, the city's Economic Development Corp. is now accepting proposals to redevelop the city-owned site that P.C. Richard (and Son!) has leased the past 19 years.
To Crain's!
The EDC is encouraging developers to pitch projects that include new office space for booming industries in the neighborhood, such as technology and creative businesses. According to the city's guidelines, the development could provide fledgling companies with the space to get started and also a location for young but established firms to transition from incubator and co-working spaces that have sprouted around the city into their own digs.
Oh, incubators! (Doesn't P.C. Richard already sell those?)
"The current site of the PC Richard store will serve as a new tech hub in Union Square, capitalizing on the academic and transit advantages offered by the neighborhood and its proximity to the Flatiron district," said Maria Torres-Springer, president of the EDC, in a statement.
The lease for P.C. Richards is up in February. Expect some bigger than the normally big sales!
Maybe this will be priced to move...

Why is this site "owned" by the 'crats at Havana on the Hudson?
yes! beta male incubating farms of deep thinkers pontificating an app that will open a bottle of water for me because, quite frankly, hands are so inefficient. tech wins!
What will happen is a big ass building will be built with more chain store's taking over the first few floors like that terrible one which has Burlington Coat... in it, the rest will be office space with people that will eat at Chipotle for lunch every day and we all lose a bit more light and air.
none of this makes any sense.
what happened to words (other than money) that has meaning?
Why not a store at the bottom, a couple floors of whatever bullshit commercial, and a bunch of affordable housing at the top?
Why not build a tower of apartments charging more than 5k for a studio and 6 to 7 k for a one bedroom?
Maybe some enterprising entrepreneur will bring back Luchows, with its year round Christmas Tree and free buffet at 4 PM or so for the Con Ed executives.
So the EDC is forcing out a local family owned business? So much for caring about locals. Yes, PC Richards is largish but it is local and serves as a counterbalance to places like Best Buy.
Why kill them?
isn't this is a perfect space to be developed? no historical building to destroy, no rent stabilized apts lost....if PC wants to stay in the area there are plenty of retail spaces empty around the area
I can't wait for the "tech hub" idea to implode.
I always liked PC Richard...it was one of the few electronic stores where you could walk in and look around without having some 20 year old salesman apprentice following you every step of the way. I don't have much need for electronics equipment anymore, but bought my headphones and computer speakers there. Another effing nail in the coffin. Will it ever end (rhetorical question).
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