[Photo Tuesday by Peter Brownscombe]
The retail space at developer Ben Shaoul's in-progress new building is now on the market.
Cushman & Wakefield has the listing:
A retail interest at the base of a newly developed eight-story, luxury condo building designed by Issac & Stern located on the east side of Avenue A between East 6th and East 7th Streets. The retail is long term leased to Blink Fitness for 15 years with two (2) five (5) year options. Blink Fitness has over 38 locations in the NYC Metro area and is an affiliate of Equinox Holdings, who’s long term debt is rated B2 by Moody’s. The retail unit will consist of 6,717 SF of ground floor space with 11’ 8” ceilings and a 5,177 SF lower level with 9’ 2” ceiling heights.
Additionally, the space will feature a glass facade and over 76’ of frontage on Avenue A. It is located just south of Tompkins Square Park and within walking distance to the F, 6, N, R and L train stops. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a long term leased, low maintenance asset in the heart of one of the fastest growing neighborhoods of Manhattan.
Price: $24.5 million.
The listing also includes some new renderings of the building, which looks even bigger than the recently disclosed 8 stories…

In other 100 Avenue A news, broker Ryan Serhant, star of "Million Dollar Listing New York," offered some clarification (sort of!) via Instagram about the naked women (and one man?) …

…that are at the center of the building's marketing campaign that we wrote about last Friday…
Per Curbed, who noted the Instagram on Wednesday:
What does a naked, painted woman have to do with multimillion dollar condos? How does this, the image or the condo, speak for "everyone who has been bullied, talked about, made fun of, and pointed at," as Serhant's text suggests? Reminder: this is a development bringing expensive apartments to a neighborhood its developer has had a hand (an arm, really) in bringing into its current state.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Trying to figure out what is going on at 98-100 Avenue A
This is for the trust fund baby who has yet to hold a steady job
This is for the iZombies who push you out of the way with their Louis Vuitton bags
This is for the douche bag that yell-talks with his other buds on the sidewalk
If there's such a thing as Imodium for verbal diarrhea, this guy needs to mainline some immediately; his drivel makes 1970s album liner notes seem like clear, concise statements of fact. And please, someone, take his phone away, so he can't tell us anything more about all the swell folks this building is meant to appeal to. Now pardon me, I must go into my wardrobe and choose some clothes to wear that other kids won't or don't. Cos that's what the East Village is all about now, I guess.
Walking distance to the L? 8 blocks and an entire avenue?
I can hear the bubble stretching, making that sound just before it POPS.
I'm sad.
This is for the East Village Yuppies and WooHoos that have much more money than sense. This is for people who can't write a 5 page paper but can effortlessly post millions of #hastagged words on Instagram. This is for the "Douchoise" who will soon rampage half naked through the streets, dressed like little furry red morons, who are easily offended when you call them what they really are: Frataholics and Sorostitutes. This is for the most hilarious marketing drivel ever produced pretending to be art. This is for putting a $24.5 million pricetag on a store, because we can charge whatever we please. Screw all mom & pop stores, we want to get paid. This is for East Village Today. Welcome to Midtown South.
Ryan Serhart should have just quoted John S. Hall and said "I want to be different, like everybody else."
8 blocks will take the average person 5 minutes. I'd say that's walking distance.
Anonymous 8:56, Maybe jogging you could do 8 blocks in 5 minutes. One block per minute is a good pace -- today it takes me apx. 1.25 minutes.
There have always been prudes who opposed nudity. Look at the number of paintings and statues that have had fig leaves added to them. It's not surprising that the peanut gallery here opposes them too.
Anon 9:03: Prudes opposed to nudity? When did that come up? EV residents opposed to American-style capitalism on steroids is what I am hearing. So you work for 100avea.com?
Anonymous at 9:03, you don't know the crowd here very well if you think they're prudes who are opposed to nudity. Example: Ray's birthday parties. The penistrator! Etc. This isn't about nudity, it's about douchiness.
9:03, yes, the comments here are because they can't handle the pure artistic force and daring risks of these ads. It's not that they're cynical, childish, and embarrassing.
Prude? What a moronic response to the woo hoo who wrote it!!
i read that ad-copy manifesto twice. It still makes no sense to me at all.
It sounds like a self-contradictory version of an old Apple ad campaign, itself self-contradictory, glamorizing rebellious nonconformity while converting it into just another consumer commodity.
- East Villager
I met this dude once. He is arrogant, self-absorbed, yet he is smart, handsome, famous, wealthy (all the components that most in our society deem as successful), and knows how to garner attention with that silly advertisement of a woman painted in blue with pink words on her body. How pretentious is that? He used to be on the soap opera, As The World Turns, which was based in Brooklyn. He soon segued to real estate after they killed his character off and is now the darling of the town in the real estate industry. I commend him for his relentless drive to be number one, but in the end, he contributes to the demise and gentrification of our beloved, distinctive neighborhood. This building will only negate the sacredness we all hold close to our hearts and will be replaced with sterility. It pisses me off there is practically no where to live in NYC unless you are a millionaire, a trust fund baby or a successful entrepreneur. What about the rest of us who work our college educated asses off to pay a rent we can barely afford, not including student loans, living expenses, and food? Where are the new jobs to pay for the exorbitant rents? This system is broken and only perpetuates the solid distinction of rich and poor. I moved to this neighborhood in 2010 and recall the very spot to where they are building. That market was my favorite. I loved the staff and how you find anything at any given hour of the day. :( Alphabet City is changing just like everywhere else.
This is the best comment on that Douchoise's Instagram brain fart, and it sums up their ridiculous little marketing campaign perfectly:
iheartpearl: Just saying this looks like a man pulling his butt cheeks apart @ryan_serhant
9:03 AM: What's your stake in all this? C'mon - be honest with us. If you're not feathering your nest off of this I'll eat my hat (while nude).
This is a song for the lonely. - Cher
Hanging on over here. Thank the good art collectors for my piermont bolt-hole
I predict some big ass graffiti on the south facing brick wall not long from now.
"8 blocks will take the average person 5 minutes. I'd say that's walking distance."
If that were true... there are 20 blocks per mile, 8 blocks goes into 20 blocks 2.5 times
5 minutes x 2.5 is 12.5 minutes to walk 1 mile or 12.5 minutes to walk 20 blocks. I don't think so.
Sexism, pure and simple. This kind of image is not a "clever", not "cool", it is destructive to women, and this isn't a "radical" thought to say so.
It is the graphic/ad equivalent of cat-calling.
I thought, I like to think, we are past this point.
Despite this dumbass's attempt at cutting and pasting every tired, heartstrings-tugging, run-like-a-girl, ad campaign of the past few years, and assembling a coherent, on-point message, his frankenstein does hit on a truth.
In the "new" East Village, one he helped created and is hideously promoting, women are often found naked and discarded, inebriated and vandalized, both physically and spiritually. After all, this is the neighborhood to do so. The only thing to do here these days is drink, heavily, and find yourself sexually assaulted ala Happy Ending. It's the lifestyle he is promoting and his train wreck tempt as an art director reveals the horrors of what's going on here and why women SHOULDN'T move here.
hahaha this is the epitome of lame, clueless and just plain stupid Who approved this and pat themselves on the back? It hurts your teeth.
More shit on top of the shit being shat upon us.....
When real estate brokers start to fancy themselves as artists or creative types, everybody loses. If and when these things sell it will be due to their location, square footage, amenities, price. This obvious waste-of-money ad campaign serves exactly one purpose--to feed the broker's ego. ZOMG so creative! Irreverent, inspirational! Yay!
I'm glad he clarified what 'this' is for! I thought 'this' was for the millionaire carpetbaggers to be reassured they were hip and cutting edge. My bad.
- special ed
The only reason I would go into the East Village of 2015 is for San Loco but I could just order SL from the west side of Broadway so I never have to cross B'way into the EV.
Just like the East Village, feminism is DEAD. The women I see and hear now on a typical Saturday night put themselves on the buffet, willingly, to the highest bidder. This neighborhood, on the weekends at least, resembles a trashy low-class seaside town in NJ when the bars close. Why is it we only get the low-class infantile wealth? And those ads are nothing but attention grabbers for who? The sex starved? I don't get it. And it does look like someone spreading their cheeks! Maybe it makes sense to wealthy people who probably mostly get laid by forcing themselves (or their money) down your throat or worse.
once again women's sexuality being used to sell evil shit. and the little animal brains go click click click does my cellphone tell me its ok to have these thought?
@12:44pm: You are 100% correct.
Just some jerkoff broker trying to flex his pathetic little creative muscles. Not even worth getting mad over. A derisive snort maybe.
THIS.....is a CROCK!
Someone please punch this guy in the face!
Look I posed for these ads. He told me it was for an American Apparel® ad and I foolishly believed him. He asked me to do the Downward Facing Dog and told me if I did a good job I would get a billboard on Houston street and if I was lucky Banksy would deface it and make me famous.
Now all I am left with is my hurt dignity, a bunch of words painted on my buttocks that won't ever come off, and an offer of a half a week free membership to Blink Gym.
I bet this building doesn't do well. Unless they are making a one bedroom into a 3 bedroom.
Only in a country as puritanical as this one would nudity seem exploitative. In European countries, nudity is more common. For them, America was a place to send their prudes.
Anonymous 2:55 -- Nudity = dead feminism? Maybe you should go live in Saudi Arabia.
Nudity itself is not exploitive. Using it to market a building? WTF does a naked person have to do with this? It's more juvenile than anything. Like drawing boobs on a bathroom stall.
Saddest line - in the new EV, "crazy dates" = "rosé wine" Oh they don't know crazy.
Haha "brain fart" - that's exactly what it is.
Oh, pls god may someone show them real crazy! :)
Ref: "The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism," by Thomas Frank, published 1998.
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