In case you didn't see the signage up at St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church on Avenue A at East 10th Street ... the 7th annual Cookie Walk is happening here next weekend...

Dec. 12 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Dec. 13 from noon to 3 p.m.
Head over to the official site for more details. But basically:
This is not your average church bake sale!
Let us transport you back in time.
As you enter the Cookie Walk, you will be greeted with the smell of baking cookies made from only the best ingredients. We have been baking non-stop for days so that tens of thousands of fresh baked cookies await you. There is nothing hi-tech here - just holiday goodness and old-fashioned fun.
Take a walk through our Cookie Wonderland and fill a box with your favorites from over fifty varieties of homemade confections. There are two sizes of boxes: $15 & $25 plus special Gluten Free options at our yummy Hot Chocolate Bar! And, the hot chocolate - no mix here - a secret recipe that is hand-stirred for a half hour and topped with marshmallows, whipped cream or both!
After the last cookie is packed, be sure to visit Tinseltown a holiday gift market for everyone on your list.
Perfect for young families! At our Little Elves Bakery & Workshop, children 10 and under can create their own sweet masterpiece to take home – no charge except to have FUN! Santa will also visit through the day for pictures at our awesome Photo Booth.
Let's hope that the wrong Santa doesn't show up on the 12th...
Where's cookiepuss?
Can't wait. This is the best event that ever came to the Lower East Village. Highly recommend stopping by, if you haven't experienced it.
He's with Dumpy the Pumpkin and the Fudgie the Whale.
I went for a cookie stroll last year and I will be back for another time. If you have not gone to this delightful event please make sure to visit this year. The people are so lovely and the cookies are excellent.
What's the EV Grieve email?
Counting the seconds. Walking into that big, open, bright room full of tables piled high with beautiful and delicious cookies is pretty much the only thing left that can make me feel like a kid again. (Although I can't believe it's been a year since the last one already!)
Yo! But where cookiepuss at?
Cookie Con > Santa Con
December 6th is St Nicholas' Day. Santa's 205th bday.
At 5:13, Anonymous said:
Yo! But where cookiepuss at?
I said, he's with Dumpy the Pumpkin and Fudgie the Whale.
Retro Carvel Ice Cream Commercials
Cookie Monster wants to go.....VERY badly....but he is afraid of the rumoured Cookie Perp Walk for those who over-indulge.
Have Mercy On The Cookie Monster.....om nom nom nom....
I will only go if they have suger free cookies, made with suger substitute, it's a shame small stores and big company's don't think or care about people with diabetes, and people who need to try to control their weight.
I went last year, and it was crazy awesome!
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