Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hawk invader in Tompkins Square Park!

Kevin the Kiteman was in Tompkins Square Park earlier today... with a hawk kite...

We were curious what, if any, reaction resident red-tailed hawks Christo and Dora might have to this hawk interloper...

Unfortunately, we don't know... Christo and Dora didn't seem to be around at the moment...

Photos via Derek Berg


  1. Reading EVGrieve over the years has helped me learn that there are incredibly beautiful, fascinating birds in NYC. Now I'm learning there are also incredibly beautiful kites. Seriously, I had no idea they made kites that look like that.

  2. C+D were out searching for a CitiBike and a snow-free bike lane to ride in only to return disappointed in both cases.

  3. When the hawks are away, the kites come out to play...

  4. He's a very sweet guy. You can see him here.


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