[This photo is not from tonight]
Was locked outside 1 Astor Place between Broadway and Lafayette... happened around 6:30... I have the owner's info...
Updated 2/10
An EVG reader spotted a similar-looking bike today (below) outside Au Bon Pain on Union Square East between 14th and 15th. Per the reader: "Seems pretty ballsy to steal it and park it in the neighborhood but it looks awfully similar so thought I'd let you know..."

We alerted the bike's owner... but the bike was gone by the time he got there... he also confirmed that the bike was his. The person who took it spray-painted the frame silver.
Hear that sound? Know what it is? That's the sound of CitiBikers not having to deal with the hassle (along with the emotional trauma) of having one's bike stolen. I don't miss that feeling. 3 times and counting.
Same with me to the person above. I had 3 bikes stolen including one in the same place as this photo!
Did the thief simply slide the bike over the top of the sign? That's how they do on my street.
Brutal thieves. I just love the feeling of turning a corner hoping my locked bike is still there. Condolences to the owner, but I fear these rims and and frame are in two different places by now.
I gave up bikes when the my 6th ride was stolen. I was on a pace of every 6 months.
I had the same bike stolen from E 4th St + Ave C a few months ago. The bike was locked front tire to frame and back tire to the frame and post, so thieves just removed the sign and slide the bike up the post. UGH!
Having a bike stolen sucks
But looking at the picture it appears to be 2 different size frames. Look at the head tube
Two words: Folding bike. One word: Brompton.
To 5:57 -- I think that's just the angle the photo was taken from. The right handle bar is blocking the head tube. If I understand correctly what a head tube is.
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