As you probably know, the Chase branch on Avenue A at East Second Street closed last Nov. 12 (along with the Chase on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place).
While the space had been for rent going back to last summer, when we spotted a smallish sign above the storefront... there's now a new broker and rental signage along the storefront here at 20 Avenue A...

And there are some realistic scalies too...

The renderings on the Town Real Estate PDF show potential retail and wine bar usage... with two outdoor cafes (one on A and one behind the property...)

[Click to go big]

Overall, the upscale presentation of the property is so much more glamorous than the charmless bank-branch corner... the cover of the marketing materials announces "Your corner. Your brand. Your town." ... with images of a woman who forgot to open her mouth for the meatball on a fork... and, oddly enough, a photo of a woman's calves...

[Definitely click to go big]
The rent is available upon request. You may visit the PDF here for the different layout possibilities for the space.
Also, someone has finally discarded the half of a roll, half of a bagel and dead pigeon that were in the former Chase lobby.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Chase space on 2nd Avenue and St. Mark's Place is for rent
2 East Village Chase Bank branches are closing for good on Nov. 12
Chase branch on 2nd Avenue at St. Mark's Place has the potential to get 4x larger with new owner
The East Village is down 2 Chase branches
Icon wraps former Chase branch at St. Mark's Place with retail ribbon
"Shut up and drink"
rather apropos I think
Realistic renderings indeed-- feature all white [privileged], esp the slouched and manufactured self-important texter and walker.
Has anyone else noticed the trend in advertising for anything from cell phone carriers to chain restaurants which depict 20 somethings wildly laughing with mouths open over something which is never explained? I guess that world is "amazing" and eating at the Olive Garden is a real blast. I'm hoping for such a place like that to remove any doubt that the EV is not a hip or cool place to live or play.
It's a raspberry. With the astronomical rents do you really think she could afford to eat meat? ;)
it's a morsel of meat the size of a raspberry
All white people in the renderings. On the Lower East Side. Appalling.
It's a raspberry-inspired raspberry-sized artisanal curated smoked farm-to-table-meat paired with raspberry infused champagne/beer/ cocktail.
This is a tactic to rid tenants from building. I'm surprised Tower isn'the working it. Tower is leasing a space on A for Shaou's sales office and Ariel Paltz is now under the employ of Tower. It'seems hard to believe.
this is the flotsam left behind as a tsunami of luxury crashes through NYC
1. Who would want to sit on that corner with all the buses and traffic.
2. Are we now living in miniature land? Cause either the people in those pictures are midgets or the sidewalk just became 3 feet wider...
You're fuggin right it our corner, Homey. So get off it, and move your ass off to Queens.
This never grows old. From Amanda Burden. It says it all:
<“We are making so many more areas of the city livable,” she said. “Now, young people are moving to neighborhoods like Crown Heights that 10 years ago wouldn’t have been part of the lexicon.”>
I would be happy with anything but a sports bar.
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