Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Empire Biscuit is now 'peelin' potatoes'

[Photo from Jan. 30 via dwg]

At the end of January, Empire Biscuit announced that they were taking a sabbatical until March...

Being officially March now, we thought we'd check in here at 198 Avenue A between East 12th Street and East 13th Street.

The plate-shaped signage now notes that they are "peelin' potatoes" ... (new menu item?)

Recent tweets point to a reopening sometime soon...

The quick-serve biscuit emporium cut back its hours during January. At the time, Empire Biscuit owner Jonathan Price told us that they were just taking a break for parts of this month. "It's a slow time of year," he said a few weeks ago. "We're doing some housekeeping. We refinished the floors in the kitchen ... for example."


  1. That peeling potatoes sign has actually been up for at least a month. On behalf of my friend who endures their heinous exhaust fan noise upstairs, I hope they are done.

  2. If there ever was a cry for help it's that Peelin' Potatoes! sign.

  3. Has anyone notice the dead ficus tree in there? Next time you pass by look just above the paper in the left window. Seems like nobody has been in there for months or is really bad with house plants.

  4. Let me guess, they're gonna pick-up Pommes Frites business. Thus, they'll be now frieologists and biscuitologists they are no more. And/or they're gonna pour gravy on them fries, put some Southern curdled cheese and Southern barbecue briskets on top and call it Southern poutine. Oh dang, I just gave them an idea. They better give me a high-five and a grin for that.

  5. Really weird how they keep closing. I can't imagine closing my little 5-person business for even a day. People don't want to work for a place that can't guarantee them a regular paycheck. I wish them luck. I really like their biscuits. BRING BACK THE LEMON CURD! Yum.

  6. I wish they would return not so much as I actually eat their biscuits but anything is better than another sports bar here.

  7. All this secrecy and subterfuge, this is no way to run a business, least of all one that purports to be a simple, quick-serve food shop. Facepalm. It seems like they think of themselves as hot shit and everyone's waiting on their next move with great anticipation. I have tried their biscuits and enjoyed em, but I keep getting the feeling that these people are sly tricksters and that's a turn off. A biscuit is supposed to be simple humble chow.

  8. "Peelin' Potatoes" is likely a euphemism, but the question is for what.

  9. Hipsters with trust funds.

  10. Anon 11:43, I thought peeling potatoes was a not so far-stretched euphemism for being inundated with grunt work or remedial task.

  11. Peeling potatoes is used as a form of punishment in the military, so maybe they enlisted.

  12. Go build your model for your airport food-court chain idea elsewhere.

  13. A cat rescue sanctuary would be a breath of fresh air here on north Avenue A, among all the bars. how bout it ?Buddy Shapiro?

  14. I've seen the owners going inside a few times. I hope they reopen-delicious biscuits and Jonathan has been very generous, donating tons of mini biscuits to Children's Workshop School events. The kids love them

  15. I bet those of you who are so bothered by their hiatus have never even been in there because you're too busy complaining. Seriously... Who cares where they are and what they're doing. You're not paying their rent.

    1. i do. they are horrible neighbors.

  16. It's a notoriously slow time for all retail. Wonder why more businesses don't just take the month off and chillax.

  17. Who's peelin'? The boys or their ladies?

  18. Duck the shitty biscuits, I just wish they shut the fucking lights off. 2 months now these assholes are wasting electricity. Day after day I walk past and every light is on. Douche bags.

  19. Yes the lights have been left on here. The kitchen exhaust fan has been left on also.
    One has to wonder why. There are 3 violations from the DEP because the noise from the fan is so excessive.
    Did they leave the fan on out of spite? or because they are inept? or because there is some kind of gas leak and it's not safe to turn it off?
    We have asked CB3 to look into it, and questioned who is appropriate safety agency, but still waiting for an answer.

  20. Are they still peelin'? They're missing out on one of their prime time: month -- March Madness -- and day -- Mar. 17 -- of drunks, whom they proudly serve.

  21. The lights have been left on here. The kitchen exhaust fan has been left on also.
    One has to wonder why. There are 3 violations from the DEP because the noise from the fan is so excessive.
    Did they leave the fan on out of spite? or because they are inept? or because there is some kind of gas leak and it's not safe to turn it off?
    We have asked CB3 to look into it, and questioned who is appropriate safety agency, but still waiting for an answer.

  22. As we like to say about head-scratchers like these: The lights are on, but nobody's home.

  23. Dear Susan Stetzer,

    Do you have any idea why Empire Biscuit has their exhaust fan on? They are closed. No one is there. Nothing cooking. We have asked you about this to ask them to turn it off. Still on.
    Thank you for all your help.

  24. They're peelin' crystal and making blue sky, that's why exhaust fan on all the time. Boys will be boys.

  25. Idiots will be idiots.


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