[Photo from yesterday]
This landed in our inbox for some reason...

Meanwhile, listings for some of the 32 units at Ben Shaoul's condoplex between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street arrived on Streeteasy last week. Per the marketing copy, "100 Avenue A is a vibrant new style of premium condominium living not yet seen on Tompkins Square Park."
Over $2000 per square foot for Avenue A. Plus some pretty high condo fees/taxes. $1.495 million for a 676sf one bedroom rectangle. $1400 in tax/condo fees. This used to be the East Village, Avenue A folks!! Mohawks and squatters 20 years ago were not unknown. Anyway you look at it, this is really expensive for a small one bedroom on the sixth floor. But they have already are in contract on a lot of the apartments!
Are you going?
Can Reverend Billy pull together an army by 5:00. There is something extra douchy about this development.
I'm not going, 7:59. I've also never been to Miss Lily's
What's with all the naked people in the ads???
We just bought a condo at 100 Avenue A, and now we can't afford clothes.
Ew, they are ripping off Liu Bolin with the art work, having a person in the foreground of a painting, painted into the background. Perhaps Liu wasn't the first to this though either.
The price per square foot is absurd. But let's talk about how Mill Lily's is proper $#%(#$% charging like $26 for oxtail stew. This launch party location seems appropriate now, overpaying for something you can get for much cheaper, most likely better.
Holy hell, this is nauseating.
Buy, yuppie scum.
It's not gonna be epic, not gonna be spectacular. Can almost guarantee this. It is a promotional event and when are these things ever epic or spectacular. The answer is almost never. These people tend to be full of hyperbole case you didn't notice.
And still not seen on Tompkins Square Park, as the Pussy-G doesn't overlook the park.
Also, my favorite Miss Lily's experience: Walking into a nearly empty restaurant with a friend one afternoon and being turned away because I didn't have a reservation.
Yeah I'll be counting the seconds until I get to stand in the street like an awestruck rube staring at someone's 10' foot tall ass crack. Not.
Anyone else seem a theme starting to develop around this development?
First, 7A closes and super douchey frat/hedge funder joke of a "Jamaican" food establishment is opened. Now Yuca bar is "closed" which I guarantee will never re open. Although a bit of a douchey spot as well, Yuca does not fit in with these real estate vultures plans, and soon enough another place will pay three times the rent to open up a bar that caters to all the new money coming into the area, specifically the 100 Ave A building.
Next up will be the Pyramid, because anyone who pays over $1 million for a shoebox in that building will certainly not want to have to deal with the "other" types of folks who hang outside of Pyramid (ie; Rappers, Black people, Non white hedge funders.
And then what about Rays? Do you think these new condo owners at 100 Ave A will want to deal with the crowd who frequents Rays? Of course not. It will be turned into a super cool Juice bar! And maybe even a Dog washing place!
YEA! Gotta love the folks from Chicago and Seattle moving here and ruining this once great and unique area.
Everyone who says they're not going, will go. Including me.
I actually thought of trying Miss Lilly's but won't now. How about a boycott of them?
Go to hell-
This is on Miss Lily's web-site-yet they have the nerve to ignore the crimes against humanity in this neighborhood.
"Miss Lily's donates a portion of all profits to the Rockhouse Foundation.
The Rockhouse Foundation builds and refurbishes schools and libraries in Jamaica, transforming the places where children learn, and supporting the people who teach them."
Why do any of you even give a fuck anymore?
At what point do you just throw up your hands and give up? It's only gonna get worse.
Boycott the East Village. You want dive bars, dance clubs, diners, pizzerias which sell slices, record stores, bookstores? There are plenty west of Broadway.
FUCK Broadway and east of it.
@Anonymous 5:28pm - Agreed, Miss Lily's is trying to look hip and cool by donating to a charity in Jamaica while at the same time contributing to the destruction of a once vibrant community. The owner of this development was responsible for driving out hundreds of residents from buildings all over the hood, but no worries, we give to charity.
I was turned away, ok I wasn't turned away but Miss Lily's might as well have,for not being the clientele they're trying to attract -- rich, white, blonde, attractive, Hamptonite. Was ignored most of the time I was there and the time that the staff did acknowledge my existence, it was with an attitude and acted as if I am sullying their pristine and elite establishment. So, yes, the charity Miss Lily's is claiming to provide is the same as the place and its patrons -- all for show. And much like Santacon where it's also supposed to be for charity, I doubt that they'd actaully be donating.
Think of the exclusivity that vacant block of St Marks provides to the Pussy Gs!
Ms. Lily's is owned by the same douches who run Bowery Bar and La Esquina. Nothing Jamaican about them. Cultural appropriation; neighborhood appropriation. the rich can be so boring.
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