Classes at the indoor cycling studio start
This location — the 11th Flywheel in the metropolitan area — features a stadium-seating studio with more than 70 bikes ... and is conveniently located next to a CVS.
Updated 3/9
We originally understood that the studio opens today (based on the class schedule on the Flywheel website)... Flywheel reps are out on Astor Place today... the first class is free...

[Photo by Vinny & O]
Previously on EV Grieve:
3 retail spaces available at 51 Astor Place (22 comments)
You can finally shop at 51 Astor Place!
3 new retail tenants for 51 Astor Place: Bluestone Lane Coffee, Chop’t and Flywheel Sports
Chopping soon signage up at the Death Star
Here's the Bluestone Lane Coffee signage at 51 Astor Place
Spin cycle: Flywheel Sports opening next month in 51 Astor Place
Just checked out their website out of curiosity... $375-595 per MONTH for membership?!?! Is that a typo???? Chi-quinox is even less than half that!!
I mean, if I could be as happy as that girl jumping arms spread, head craned to the heavens, with the soles of her feet touching her back by doing Flywheel why the f not?
It's one of them new fitness trends. Ride a stationary bike in a dark crowded room while some jerkoff yells at you to pedal faster.
Less than $600 a month! What a bargain. Let me contact my trust fund administrator immediately.
These monthly rates are HILARIOUS
Am all for it. Citibikers treat CitiBikes and the bike lanes as they're own personal spin-cycling workout sessions, biking, not moving, yet keeps pedaling, as if they're in a dark room, oblivious of others around them.
Used to pay $15/month for a Jack LaLanne's membership, and I thought that was expensive. So purchased a rowing machine at Sharper Image, but had no room for it, hence put it in the bathtub, which was in the kitchen. Thus was rowing while showering/bathing and cooking. Talk about multi-tasking.
I think she's leaping off a roof after receiving her first bill.
She's in luck! Once she's conscious, she'll have 529 drug stores on the block to get Band-Aids from.
There's no fucking way I'd spend that much more. For others, there is that saying, "There is a sucker born every minute."
@1:45pm: Yes, but this is now a "sucker's neighborhood"! Because who would pay the kind of $$ in rent (or condo prices) that the superannuated frat boys pay to live here?
Thus there are plenty of young suckers around to overspend on rent, food, drink and cycling classes. And when this batch of young suckers moves on, NYU will guarantee an endless flow of NEW suckers right behind them!
ev grieve is starting to live up to its name. we've had a good run. the east village is dead. long live the east village.
ev grieve is starting to live up to its name. we've had a good run. the east village is dead. long live the east village.
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