As you know, Target has signed a lease to anchor the retail space in Extell's new development rising on Avenue A and 14th Street.
And yesterday, Target shared details about the flexible-format store, projected to open in summer 2018 at 500 E. 14th St.
Via the EVG inbox...
Growth in urban markets is a priority for Target, and Target’s flexible store design allows for store locations in smaller locations and assortments are tailored to meet the needs of local guests. The East Village Target store will be approximately 27,000 square feet on two-levels, with 9,500 square feet on the street level and 17,700 on the lower level. The locally-relevant, catered assortment for urban guests will include:
· An assortment of men’s and women’s apparel and accessories
· Home items dedicated to refreshing small living spaces, as well as urban apartment and condo essentials
· Food selections, including grab-and-go items spanning sandwiches, salads, beverages, snacks, and more
· Health, personal care and beauty products including a multicultural assortment
· Portable technology products and accessories
· Services include Target Mobile and Order Pickup
Flexible-format stores are a priority for Target and guests have responded well to having these customized stores available in areas where they previously couldn’t have been opened before.
In a prepared statement, Mark Schindele, senior vice president, Properties, Target, said: "We’re thrilled to be partnering with Extell Development for this terrific location just below Stuyvesant Town, and we can’t wait to be part of the East Village neighborhood."
Target is only taking half of the available retail space at 500 E. 14th St. So there is room for another largish retailer.
Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated with correction] 8-lot parcel of East 14th Street primed for new development
New 7-floor buildings for East 14th Street include 150 residential units
Breaking (pretty much!): Target is coming to 14th Street and Avenue A (55 comments)
More on Target, and a look at its incoming home on 14th Street and Avenue A
So, basically, a Walgreens with clothing.
Can't believe someone actually got paid to write that hideous "explanation" - a drunken gibbon I on a laptop missing keys could probably have done better.
blah blah! just bring on the bright-red shitshow, there's nothing we can do about it so you can stop selling it to us, Mister Corporate Guy!
Yes and I'm sure Target will get lots and lots of "guests" into this new "concept". We should all be on our knees thanking them endlessly for enriching our transient neighborhood with cheap disposable "gifts" (after all we are guests) so we can do our part in landfill development.
Shouldn't it be "curated assortment for urban guests," not "catered assortment." Why do I have to be a guest? If I'm a guest, I expect to be treated like a guest, not just called a guest. I expect a cold glass of water on a hot day...No bespoke grab and go? Well at least there will be localized multicultural grab and go.
they built the Empire State Building in one year and they can't build a target in 3...
GAHHHH If anything, we need groceries, not more overpriced, pre-packaged "grab-and-go" crap.
I always ask my guests to grab n go.
Are the "guests" to be as transparent as the two people in that PR photo. Support your small business guy n gal.
Seriously, zip it with the smarmy sales rhetoric and show us the toilet paper.
Anonymous @ 8:50,
True the Empire State Building was constructed in a much shorter time than the Tar shay will be. Back then builders didn't have to put up with socialist regulations created by crookeaucrats at Albany (Moscow on the Mohawk) and New York (Havana on the Hudson), which delay building projects.
Bill, enemy of crookeaucrats
You'll never be "part" of the east village ya douche.
What's the problem? It's a new age Woolworths. What i don't get is why do they have to sell fresh food? Who would go into a Target for a pre-wrapped sandwich when you could get fresh. Big mistake. It won't increase traffic... except for rats of course.
Or K-Mart with take-out food --probably at 3-4 times the price.
can't wait.
why do we hate everything. If it were a very expensive store we would complain that it was for the rich only. This is affordable and has things we need for every day that we cannot currently get east of K Mart. I buy sheets there. They have many things needed for babies and kids. This is not terrible--they are serving an unmet need at affordable prices and have much better selection than Kmart.
is trader joes officially gone from this building?
Thank you 3:32. I've lived near here long enough to have shopped at Woolworth's on the same block (another national chain, before it went kaput) and we can use a place for housewares etc.
A "multicultural assortment"??? See! They understand our "target" needs. I'm looking forward to their next set of talking points when they refer to same sex couples as "the gays" or even better "my gays".
2018. I'll put that on my calendar.
Now hold on, Mark. Dont get too excited about introducing yourself to the EV nabe. We wouldnt want you to overdose on multicultural hygiene products or condo grab and gos. You're getting starry-eyed, and need a nap.
EV Lieve
Health, personal care and beauty products targeted at multicultural customers? Their market research in the area is seriously off target (pun intended). Those products will be loss leaders since the multicultural part of the area is being wiped out and replaced by the monoculture. Of which this corporation is now playing a part in furthering. Even if they survive at the location 75% of their business will be from Stuytown.
There goes another part of our neighborhood out the window. Sad.
Are you people forgetting all the low income residents that we have on this corridor? Do you really think they're going to NOT shop at Target and save money out of neighborhood loyalty? No, they're going to go where they get more bang for their buck. Look at the demographics of the dollar pizza joints, the Kmart, the subways/McDonald's.
Everybody will be there. The middle class is the new poor.
3:32 PM - You have no idea what they're going to actually carry, so let's save the rejoicing until this place opens.
Save money?
Do you really see this place as being a discount store? You may have to check your pricing structure because this place is no discount entoty.I would say that they are charging clearly 50 to 100% more than what I can buy the same product for at a similar retailer.
Like everything else in this world today it's all about perception rather than reality. Because one thinks of them as a discount retailer in their minds they are.
Truth is in the price. Shop around and.compare they are no more a discount retailer than the artichoke pizza place on 14th st sells discount pizza.
9:10am I DEFY you to name me a store within walking distance (not bike, car, or subway train trip distance) of the East Village which will sell the following common items for less than this Target:
Toilet tissue, paper towels, bathroom cleaner, milk, eggs, sandwich bread.
Go to it.
associated has the best sale price for toilet paper - 20 packs of scott or marcal (not at the same time) for 50 cents (marcal) or 75-89 cents (scott).
i don't buy mzny oaper towels so i'm not as sure of those savings.
associated (1-A) has some of the best sales around town - not all the time, and not always what i need. on a good sale day you can save a bumch of money and fill a shopping cart - or get delivery (don't forget to thip the delivery man, local delivery is free).
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