... and from the entryway to Stuy Town...
...and looking at the end of No. 500 toward Avenue A...
... and two shots of No. 524, the smaller of the two buildings...
...and a view from the 13th Street side...
Together, the buildings will yield 150 residential units (of those, 32 will reportedly be below-market rate). The buildings will include outdoor space for tenants, such as: "gardens, ornamental grasses, a full bocce court, pergola covered dining with an open air grill kitchen, and framed hedge walls," per marketing materials.
There will also be 56,610-square feet of retail space. As previously reported, Target is leasing 27,306 square feet in No. 500's corner space for a small-format store expected to open in the summer of 2018.

[Fast-forward to the summer of 2018]
There's still a persistent rumor that a Trader Joe's will take the remaining retail space at No. 500.
The excavating started on the property in June 2015.
Previously on EV Grieve:
New 7-floor buildings for East 14th Street include 150 residential units
Target offers details about its flexible-format store opening summer 2018 on 14th and A
The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street


Ahh....Breathlessly boring.
good luck trying to get on a train at the 1st ave stop in the mornings...
This could have been worse as in a 10 - 15 story wall of glass and steel. I may be in the minority here but how long did any expect that strip of single story buildings would remain in Manhattan? We should focus our energy on the variance developers are trying to get for the former post office lot, this will not only be hideous if they win but set a precedent for developers to get around our neighborhoods height regulations.
Taking into account that I live a block away from this monstrosity and therefore may be negatively biased against it and/or extremely cranky ... but what kind of fancy-ass market-rate tenant is actually looking for a place with a bocce court? One time-traveling from the Roman Empire? Is there a portal between 500 and 524 that lets people land here from goofy historical situations, like a "Bill and Ted's" phone booth for people who play dumb "sports"?
I live nearby and pass this every day. I agree with 9:10 that this isn't so bad in scale, especially for a wide street like 14th Street, and there was some effort to fit it in visually. of all the changes in our neighborhood, I don't think this is the one to get worked up over.
Bocce must be coming back, I grew up in Stuyvesant town and they put them in here in just the last decade.....
Just in time for the L train shutdown.
Spot on post.
The buildings seem t follow a template for the EV: the facades broken up by different colored brickwork, casemnent-like windows and no setbacks until the penthouse. They actually work in the sense that they are not obtrusive. Non offensive. Good.
Not the greatest looking, boxy sterile, but size is right, some affordable housing. Plus there will be retail. Like others are saying here, it fits, not offensive.
There is something to be said for replacing old, decrepit (yes, decrepit, not 'chic' nor truly 'historical', just old and run-down dirty) structures with functioning ones. That neighborhood needs a shot in the arm.
I agree it's not terrible. I just hope they return 13th street to they way it was with full parking on the block and not a Target delivery zone.
it works 😁
Oh, Blarney Cove! I was really missing it last night. There was a man who'd bring in dumplings - best I ever had.
So is bocce some sort of semi-ironic millennial fad now?
Though I lost my view of Stuyvesant town, I can’t complain. They didn’t go above the variance. Unlike Benenson Capital Partners and Mack Real Estate Group, the developers of 432 East 14th street (former post office – behind 211 Avenue A), who wants to. If the Board of Standards and Appeals allows them to build four floors above the allowed variance, east villagers living near the site,may lost their view of the Manhattan Skyline (Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, MetLife Building, just to name a few).
Urge the BSA to reject the zoning variance application for 432 East 14th Street at http://www.gvshp.org/_gvshp/preservation/east_village/ev-01-27-17.htm
I wish my neighbors played Bocce instead of beer pong.
At 9:24 AM, Anonymous spewed:
Taking into account that I live a block away from this monstrosity and therefore may be negatively biased against it and/or extremely cranky ... but what kind of fancy-ass market-rate tenant is actually looking for a place with a bocce court?
One who's moving up in the world and happens to hail from Corona, Queens? (It could happen.)
But what about the L train?
One Exit...its a nightmare as is and now they keep adding so many more residents to an already "at capacity" neighborhood. When will they address the mass transit situation?
Well they bocce'd up that
I live directly next to and behind the 13th St site and it sucks. I'm wondering who is moving in to this monstrosity? I feel that it will turn into a dormitory for NYU and the New School just like Sty Town has. I've lived here 24yrs and am not happy with this development especially since the building is 12 inches away from mine and has taken away what little view I had, what little sun I would get (I now reside in a cave and my plants have all died) and I no longer have cross ventilation. My cats really miss the view of the birds they had. Maybe they'll like watching bocce ball games from our back window cuz all we see now is the lovely brick that they matched for the area. Wasn't Extell thoughtful?
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