Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Marshal seizes Mamani Pizza on Avenue A

The Marshal came calling at Mamani Pizza at 151 Avenue A on Tuesday... the landlord is now in possession of the 99-cent sliceria between Ninth Street and 10th Street...

As always in these cases, this doesn't necessarily mean the end for the business. (The space had been on the market several years ago.)

The Marshal seized Mamani's former next-door neighbor at No. 151 last summer — TakeMeHome Rotisserie Chicken. (Brown paper is up in the windows there now. Looks like a new tenant is on the way in. Dessert maybe?)

No. 151 is owned by Raj 151 Avenue A LL and managed by Marolda Properties, per public records.


DrGecko said...

Anybody else remember when Mamani served Persian food? It got swamped by the pizza and eventually disappeared, but it was good while it lasted.

Gojira said...

@DrGecko, I do! I was very excited to eat there when it first opened, did so a couple of times and was very pleased, especially with the fesenjan, then one time I went and they had started serving pizza, which told me all I needed to know about how many people were going in to order from the Iranian menu. Then that got ditched altogether, and the rest, as they say, is history, as was my further patronage of the place.

Anonymous said...

Of all the sleazy dollar pizza joints around I found this one to be the finest of it's pedigree. I shall yearn for their return

Anonymous said...

LOL @ them going from Persian to pizza.

This pizza was shit like all EV pizza is shit.

Good EV pizza vanished when St.Mark's Pizza closed then Ray's decided to sell shit pizza to shit chain pizza-loving transplants.

Anonymous said...

Witnessed a guy pull a chefs knife out on another in 2012.

Still went back.

Of all 99cent slices. This was my goto.

Mr. Mister said...

Joe's 14th St outpost...

Scuba Diva said...

What a shame…where will I get my 99-cent slice now?

Anonymous said...

This seemed to be the go-to spot for the kids after school. Guess they'll just have to hoof it down to 6th Street for that out-of-the-freezer-into-the-oven slop they serve.

Anonymous said...

Stromboli has good pizza.