Dog Beach debuted last week on Avenue B between 10th Street and 11th Street... outside of Brix ...

[EVG photo]
Not sure about the rules and regulations here, such as if a City Permit is needed for a wedding on the beach.

Thanks to EVG reader Cheyenne for the photos!
It would be wonderful if all the dog owners that insist on letting their dogs do their business in front of my building would go to this litter box instead. Besides dog poop and the aroma of pee is much preferred over green living plants and the perfume from flowers.
Someone always has to go negative.
What a fun idea. I love it. I don't mind dogs peeing in front of my building. It's the bros peeing in front of my building that I have a problem with.
Team dog pee!
A doggy hitching post. Now where do I leave my horse?
Love this but the city, once they find out, will take it down. Dog poop collection point across from bars / restaurants probably not the best idea, but its so cute!
Alternate name: "Dead Tree Beach".
Dog Beach Rules
• No lifeguard
• No smoking
• No loud barking
• No nude sunbathing
• No humans permitted on beach
• No overnight sleeping
• Admittance to beach between 7AM and 7PM with beach badge
Rules Will Be Strictly Enforced
12:30 it's pretty silly to say that dog owners 'insist' on having their pets do their business outside your door, pretty sure the pup is just coincidentally answering the call of the wild as they walk by. Even more silly to pretend you can smell dog pee and a few scraggly flowers.
you must be kidding, you have never had the treat of smelling dog pee on a warm summer's day on a sidewalk that has not been rained upon in a couple of days? Dogs are amazingly trainable yet few people curb their dogs these days so the rest of us get to walk in pee. The tree well was not designed to be a doggy litter box, it is there to help a tree access water for survival. On my block most of the tree wells have been adopted by long time residents who have created miniature gardens and yes many with flowers. We have been battling dog owners who insist on putting their dogs in the tree wells to do their business. One person I caught letting her dog trample spring flowers told me that daffodils "grew wild in NYC", another insisted their dog could only relieve itself on soil...... Dogs can go just about anywhere I don't understand why tree wells should be included in that list of rest stops.
Dogs are great, but there are too many in Manhattan. Can't walk on the sidewalk without being forced to dodge or look out for them.
you've been battling dog owners? again, hyperbole. and on a hot summer day I'm astounded you can isolate the smell of dog pee over garbage that is piled on the sidewalks and spilling from public bins. my advice is to chill out a little bit, it's a big city, no need to stake your claim over a 2'x2' patch of dirt. if you want to perform urban gardening my advice is to do so on a fire escape or join a community garden to get your green thumb fix. it is truly laughable that you think people should be treating a patch of dirt on the sidewalk as something sacred. and also, you're not walking in pee. you're walking on the streets of manhattan where canine urine is probably the least noxious substance on the sidewalk. if you're that concerned adopt what is common in most other cultures and take your shoes off on your home. problem solved.
So why don't you tell us what sacred block you live on anon 8:39 so we can let you live a miserable, dog free existenc .
My husband and I passed this the other night, and it caught my eye...sadly, I can't imagine this cute set-up is good for the health of the street tree in that pit, especially now that dog owners are being encouraged to let their pups do their business there (dog waste, especially urine, is really, really tough on street tree roots - water, it is not!). Not to mention that sand is a pretty terrible soil medium for plants with high water needs (aka trees), because it has terrible moisture retention properties. And to the commenter at 8.39am - can't believe you encountered someone who thinks daffodils grow wild in NYC! They're actually the result of volunteer efforts through the New Yorkers for Parks Daffodil Project, which many street tree stewards participate in. Thank you for at least trying to discourage her from letting her dog do its business in the tree pit garden - street tree stewardship can often feel like a thankless (and filthy) effort, but it's nice to know there are some caring neighbors who look out for their local trees!
@12:26 PM
Your reply unfortunately is typical of some dog owners, "how dare you say something bad about a dog" while my critique is not about dogs it's about their sometimes inconsiderate owners who let their dogs relieve themselves without regards to if others are growing a garden in a tree well or rather not step in something as they walk out of their front door each day. I have nothing against dogs, they are wonderful companions and no I will not tell you which block I live on but here's a hint on the next sunny hot day take a whiff and you probably will find it.
I can't believe how self-righteous some people are about letting dos pee everywhere. If you're going to own a dog, be responsible and curb it. How is that so hard? And, yes, it DOES stink. Part of living in a community is the responsibility of taking care of it.
Gross. Just walk by the dog run in TSP on a hot day and try taking a deep breath. I dare you. We need dog toilets, not dog beaches that kill trees and not dogs pissing anyplace they please. No other animal
or human is allowed to do this, so why do we allow it for dogs? 🐶
Scooby, if you walk by first run on a hot day you will see at least a dozen people in the park. So, I don't think your dare is very daring. Dogs are allowed to do their business bc, per my previous post, it's really not a big deal as long as the owner doesn't leave mound of feces in their walk wake. Dog waste is an insignificant contribution to the festering shithole called Manhattan that we know and love. If cats/rabbits/mustelidae could offer the same degree of companionship (which they can't, measurable medical benefits of canine companionship do not extend to other pet species) then people would feel the same way. It's not self-righteousness, it's apathy. Legit do not care about your sensitivity over an unpleasant smell in a metropolis teeming with vermin and garbage. Also, and again, hyperbole. Call me a noob for only living here 10 years but I've yet to see one of these scrawny trees wither and die from animal urine. That is a fact and makes your ilks argument particularly weak.
Unless you are a botanist your statement regarding dog pee not harming a tree is not based on fact.
If you can't train your dog to not ruin the sidewalk for everyone then you should a) not have a dog or b) move to the suburbs/country and have a dog in the proper environment.
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