Heyday, billed as a one-stop skin care shop, is opening a new location at 382 Lafayette St. near Fourth Street.
When Heyday opens toward the end of the year, this will mark their fifth NYC location.
The storefront was until last fall home to Screaming Mimi's, which left for a new space on West 14th Street after 25 years here.
As owner Laura Wills told me, the building at 382 Lafayette was sold, and she decided to relocate.
To be quite honest, we never considered staying. Lafayette Street was a wonderful home for almost 25 years but it has changed so much. I fear it will very soon be blocks of big glass and steel storefronts with no soul. Mostly everyone who opened when we did is gone."
Previously on EV Grieve:
Screaming Mimi's is leaving its home of 25 years on Lafayette for West 14th Street
The EV's retail spaces will soon only be providing pamper spots like this one, salt mine breathing rooms, nail and hair salons, frozen treats, bakes treats, more frozen treats, coffee, coffee, sports bars and $1 pizzerias. The final step is to get that singing naked cowboy and trademark violating cartoon characters. Fun.
More useless frippery for the clueless moneyed.
Look, I'm a vain bitch and, unlike many commenters at this fine blog, I actually do enjoy manicures, pedicures, skincare, facials, and all that jazz, although I see it not as "pampering" (eyeroll) and more like baseline grooming for people who are into that sort of thing.
THAT SAID this is fucking ridiculous. We don't need one of these places on every block. It's not necessary, it takes space away from actual needed services such as [your old-timey, but still relevant choice here], and perhaps worst of all, the competition drives fees and tips down for the working-class women (and it's 99 percent women) who work in these places, when rich bitches are already cheap as hell and apparently needed a New York Times exposé to tell them that a $6 manicure might involve exploitative labor. DUH
Furthermore, I go to a similar outfit to Heyday in the Union Square area, and although I like the service provided, they upsell you to death and insist that you should be getting one of their "inexpensive" facials every WEEK. Even if you have this kind of cash to blow, this level of skincare is really not necessary unless you are 1) filthy, and can't/won't take care of your own damn skin the majority of the time; 2) a print model, in which case you're probably blessed with near-perfect skin already; or 3) a lady of leisure who has an hour to kill every week while waiting to fetch her Pomeranians from the puppy masseuse.
sorry for yelling
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