Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2nd Street freeze out

While not quite the extent of the World Famous Icicle Audi (see here) just yet, an apparent leaky pipe under part of Second Street is causing a frozen zone between Avenue B and Avenue C.

EVG reader Bill Buchen, who lives on the block, said that the leak/flood started on Dec 23. Residents on the block called 311. The NYPD came. ConEd came. The DEP came. Crews made repairs.

Per Bill: "It's still not fixed! Cars getting frozen in place. It's epic!"

Previously on EV Grieve:
Under watchful eye of TV news crews, the Icicle Audi is freed

1 comment:

  1. lot of poor cars are frozen in at the end of the block by C. saw one guy trying to pry his tires out with boards of wood.


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