Wednesday, January 3, 2018

RIP this tree

EVG reader Emily shared these photos of a tossed Christmas tree on Third Avenue at 13th Street with an RIP note...

Freed from
Kindly left the earth
Unforgettable tree

A bit of an FU...

Courtesy of Kira Sea...


  1. thanks art school!

  2. That sign must have took some effort to get on the social media platforms. Congratulations, missy.

  3. Ha ha, art students gotta art student. What you gonna do?

  4. Well, at least the tree wasn't knitted over with yarn

  5. Unfortunately the RIP should have been made for the tree, when it was cut down. Interesting that a Celebration for the birth of the son of God and savior of the world (according to believers) should include executing a living deciduous and house it while it's life slowly ebbs away, until it becomes a desiccated husk.


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