Another dog poop etiquette sign to note... this one in Tompkins Square Park...

... inside the St. Mark's Place entrance along Avenue A ... well, if this helps...

Some Parkgoers have apparently been letting their dogs run around in this area... and not everyone is cleaning up afterwards... and so someone put up these signs...

Photos from Thursday by Bobby Williams.
I like dogs, I like cats I don't like dog owners that think it's okay for them to run their dogs outside of the dog run area. I wish the park would crack down on these people and start fines for anyone doing this. I live on 12th street and some dog owners do the same in our park here. I an other members of the block association ask them to leave but politeness doesn't alway do the trick. So I video them and their dog and threaten to call the police. The last thing anyone wants is their child bitten by a dog in a designated playground nor does a parent of guardian want their kid falling into or crawling into dog shit or piss. I encourage other people to call these particular dog owner out on their behavior.
im happy for this spot. my dog gets picked on and gets in fights with other dogs so the dog run isnt an option for us. this is a great area for us and we'll take care of it. i hope others do too
The dogs have completely killed the grass in that area. It's now entirely mud.
Uh. That particular lawn; I don't think it's dogs.
Poor dogs, always getting blamed.
What is a poor dog to do.
It's always astounding to me that dog owners don't clean up after them... My dog is too afraid of other dogs to go into the run, so I sometimes let him run in this garden, late at night, and always clean up after him, and he never digs. It's a great place when he just needs a few minutes of all-out being a dog. Cleaning up just comes down to common decency, but we all know that's in short demand these days... Sigh.
are children allowed in that area of the park? isn't it fenced off for a reason?
It is illegal not to pick up after your dog. Jail time or fine sometimes both. Like I said before we should take pictures or videos of those people who do not pick up after their dogs and shitshame them. Unfortunately thoae who do not pick up after their dogs also do not read evgrieve. If they did they would know they are part of a community.
From a dog owner (who always picks up after the dog) may I just say to those of you who think calling the cops about dog poop with/without your fancy evidentiary videos: LOL.
The dog run is not safe. Dog owners have nowhere else to go to let their dogs off leash for some fun and exercise. The responsible dog owners who use this area are cleaning up after our dogs so don't group us all into one bad group. Feel free to tell on the ones that don't - it helps us all.
I have a dog, and I would never take the dog to any area of the park not designated as a dog run. These people should be ticketed.
The dog run in this park was the very first in the city. The initial cost was $250,000 half of which came from donations the other half matched by the city. The dog run was created to allow dog owners a legal place in the park to let their dogs off leash. The poop scoop laws apply to the dog run the same way as outside of the dog run. Dogs by law must be on leash at all other times in public, sidewalks or paths within the park. Dogs are not allowed by law to run freely off leash in any other area of the park and those that violate this rule should be fined. I have heard from violators when I address them that "their dog doesn't like the dog run" or "I always pick up after my dog when I run it in these off limit area" as if that justifies their breaking the law. I have sad this before their has been a boom in the dog population in the past serval years. I believe this has come about do to the economic changes to the neighborhood. Dogs are expensive to buy and maintain properly, newer residents have more money and can afford dogs unlike residents from years ago. If you doubt me look at the number of dog centric businesses which have opened in the past few years to capitalize on this increase.
Telling some dog owners that they cannot use these off limit area's to run their dogs is like talking to a brick. They only care about themselves ultimately and will justify any behavior because the believe they are entitled to do as they please. I have spoken to these people numerous time and I have see others speak to these dog owners and it is frustrating. Recently a women with 2 dogs watch as one dog dug a hole about a foot deep and 2 feet wide around a mature bush in one of the fenced in areas. She refused to leave or stop her dog from digging even as I stressed that the dogs actions would kill the parks bush. Finally I told her I was getting one of the park staff to convince her.
If it’s late at night, why not go to the dog run which is usually empty?
If the dog run isn’t safe, how will creating an unsactioned area into a dog run help?
I see groups of multiple dogs here daily and nightly. If you only use it late at night, use the empty dog run. If you think the dog run is unsafe, please don’t create an unsactioned dog run with no expectations on behavior. This is far from the only solution to the excuses posted here. I am a dog owner, generally I have reservations about the dog run, but would rather work with it than slowly destroy the whole park because of my lack of effort.
Responsible dog owners are trying to tell people but no one is listening - the dog run is unsafe!!
Our dogs are getting beat up, attacked, people are getting bit themselves - one person just recently was bit by an aggressive dog that shouldn't have been in the run. A small dog was killed last year by an aggressive dog.
If we can't get people to follow the rules of the dog run - don't bring in unneutured dogs, aggresive and unsocialized dogs, toy aggressive dogs, kids, food etc then the responsible dog owners who live in the east village seek other places to let their dog play.
why is this so hard to understand. don't blame us. try to understand why.
I am not speaking for the owners who don't clean up after their dogs, and let their dogs dig and ruin the grass and plants. thats wrong.
If the dog run is "unsafe" then I suggest dog owners find a way to enforce rules on which dogs may use it. Dogs which are aggressive should be banned or if your dog is the victim of an aggressive dog call the police. No matter what goes on in the dog run it does not justify tearing up other sections of the park which is meant for the general public to enjoy. Try another dog run, there is one on 15th street at second avenue. Try walking your dog more blocks than you usually do, just don't think you have the right to make sections of our park your private backyard.
Jail time for not picking up after your dog 4:12pm? LOL wrong. 1998 is over and Giuliani isn't NYC mayor anymore, get over it.
First of all, not cleaning up after your dog is the rare scumbag move and shouldn't be tolerated anywhere. Those people are wack as fuck. Other than that, it just comes down to context and respect. If your dog is running around, digging, or you're going off in an area and just hanging out while your dog plays for 30 minutes - you are also wack. If you wanna let your dog off leash in an enclosed area for just a few minutes for some sprints while other people are not using it, then whatever it's all good. Common sense and decency and context is what matters here. The entitled douches that either sit in an area and hog it like it's their own private park are the annoying ones. I don't have a dog but I do understand that some dogs don't get along well with other dogs so it's healthy for them to have a couple of minutes to sprint around and then move along. But that is not your personal space to hang in or destroy. Also, children don't play in there so not sure why that sign specifies that.
Someone over the summer let her two terriers run wild on the central lawn while that baby hawk was stuck in a tree, unable to fly yet. People yelled at her, but she didn't care, just stared at her cellphone while the dogs tore all over the lawn. She didn't care there was a vulnerable animal in that area and there were signs on the fence that said so.
I believe most dog owner are responsible, but if you can't follow the rules and respect others in the city, maybe don't have a dog.
I’m making a new sign. It says:
As long as people put their self interest and their dogs interest ahead of park rules there will be conflict. Dog's are wonderful companions to people but that doesn't mean they get to destroy public property. Too damn bad if your dog is not popular or bullied in the dog run, work around it, leave when a bully dog enters, talk to the bully dog owner and explain what is going on. Get the park ranger to back you up, get other dog owner together and address the problem be a grown up. You are not entitle be default to use the other area's of the park to run your dog off leash, never.
How are they trying to tell people and who isn’t listening? What happens when aggressive dogs start playing in this area? How does the increase in dogs in this area not turn this into a de facto dog run? Why would only responsible dog owners use it?
Too many dogs in the neighborhood or should I say too many people have dogs these days. Most people are responsible but there is always a percentage of a group which is not. Triple the amount of dog owners in a few years and get triple the amount of irresponsible dog owners. My blocks has gotten particularly filthy in the past few years with turds left behind and believe it or not turds wrapped in knotted plastic poop bags left on the ground as if that's how you're suppose to do it. The situation is out of control and it will only get worse as more people with dogs move here.
@ANON 9:41 I think the idea is that because it's not a dog park, it would be weird and not smart and potentially unsafe to just bring your dog in if you see another dog taking a quick run without knowing the owner or the other dog. Sometimes they need some solo sprints. I say get in and get out, it;'s not your personal hangout/dog run. But if you need a few minutes for the dog to get out some quick sprints, and then you close the gate and leave and make sure you don't leave anything behind, it's all good. Just don't be entitled.
"But if you need a few minutes for the dog to get out some quick sprints, and then you close the gate and leave and make sure you don't leave anything behind, it's all good. Just don't be entitled."
You just defined what entitled means, not following the park rules to serve your own needs. Multiply those "quick sprints" times 10 per day, you have a section without anything green in no time. I want our part to stay green with a variety of plants this is why the dog run was created. The dog run is the one barren area of the park for a reason nothing grows where dogs are running. Dog owners must work out a solution to the dog run and not expect the rest of us to tolerate their pet tearing up are green park.
Please don't intimidate peaceful people and peaceful pets in our beautiful peaceful park. Let's be kind to each other. Tompkins community forever!
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