Friday, January 5, 2018

The blame game

Olden Yolk, a Boston-based collaborative, has a new record coming out in a few weeks... the above video is for the single "Takes One To Know One."

The band recently discussed the single via Stereogum: "The song cycles around a group chant at the choruses. It’s instrumentation is highly inspired by the percussion style of Jaki Liebezeit (of the German group CAN), a favorite of ours."


  1. EV Grieve Inc. might consider a sister blog focusing on just music (have a couple of the Grieve interns run it)🤔

  2. thanks for the tunes!!!

  3. You're welcome! And thanks...

    I'm still waiting for The Long-Lost Intern of EV Grieve to return, Pinch!

    I really enjoyed the handful of specials programs I did on East Village Radio... wasn't really focused on music, but that was part of the show... I'd like to do that again ...

  4. That's right! I forgot about the EV Radio spots!

  5. Although I don't like this song much, it's cool to see challenging music being made by new bands and to see random videos get posted.

    I still can't get that Creatures song that was posted days ago out of my head.

  6. I really like that Creatures song too, JQ LLC ... I played it about 5000000 times last week.


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