[Photo by Goggla]
Good news from Goggla yesterday evening: "Looks like Amelia and Christo have at least two chicks! Hoping for a third, but we'll have to wait and see..."
Head over to Goggla's site for more photos and info on this brood of chicks.
And my previous post here has more background on the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park.
Attention rats, I suggest you consider leaving the area.
Welcome to the world, babies. Please stay away from the poisoned rats, we don't want a repeat of last year!
Heckyl and Jeckyl.
Had a visit from a hawk on Eldridge St yesterday, they landed on top of the A/C in my kitchen window.
Happened once before last year, although that time they somehow grabbed onto the wires you can see outside and were dangling upside down (didn't manage to get a photo that time). Impressive and scary at close range.
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