Thursday, June 6, 2019

New equipment for the former Moishe's Bake Shop

EVG contributor Derek Berg spotted workers yesterday moving in new equipment at the former Moishe's Bake Shop at 115 Second Ave.

Last month, owner Moishe Perl told Derek that several bakers are taking over the shop, where they will serve a variety of baked goods as well as coffee. (He said that they may call the new venture Formerly Moishe's.)

Workers at the shop yesterday between Sixth Street and Seventh Street said that it might be another two months for the new venture to open.

Moishe's closed on March 5 after 40-plus years in business. The links below have more background on what has transpired here in the past few months.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Claim: After 40-plus years, Moishe's Bake Shop has closed on 2nd Avenue

The mystery of Moishe's

An update on the former Moishe's Bake Shop


  1. What is going on at Gem Spa?

    Newspaper rack out front removed.

    No lottery tickets.

    The hat and sunglasses shop is having a closing sale...

  2. I've done a few posts about the status at Gem Spa (May 10 and May 31). They were busted for selling cigarettes to an undercover minor, and can't sell cigarettes or lottery tickets again until the fall. The newspapers and Zoltar left at the end of May. I've heard different stories about their status. Apparently the landlord doesn't want them to have stuff out front any longer.

  3. In NYC, you have to be 21 to buy cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and even herbal cigs. If GEM Spa had their license revoked for six months then they have been caught before selling to minors. There are probably many times they were not caught.

  4. Any idea what the equipment that was being moved in was?


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