The Nobletree Coffee closure saga continues here on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. After five-plus months in business, Nobletree Coffee abruptly closed on May 30.
According to a note from Nobletree, they were forced to close "because of the slow foot traffic at this location."
That reason didn't sit well with at least one person, who left this note on the door early last week:

[Photo by Todd O'Brien]
"Please don't blame the neighborhood for slow foot traffic. Maybe it was your mediocre coffee and bad service?
East Village Residents
Well, that note didn't sit well with at least one other person, who then placed this note on the door...
East Village resident to note maker: Be real. The coffee was good. But the rents are too high!
To note maker. Please speak for yourself. Do not include the "EV residents" on your personal experience!!
Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village residents take exception with Nobletree Coffee's reason for closing
I can't imagine the kind of person that leaves a bitchy note on the window of a business like that. If you don't like the coffee, prices, services then go somewhere else there are a "few" other places selling coffee.
high rent
slow foot traffic :)
I still don't understand the mystery note maker’s need to troll Nobletree Coffee after they had already closed down. They’re gone, so if you didn't like them, that should make you happy enough without having to tape a page from your burn book on their window. The St. Marks Place foot traffic only looks good until you realize that how few of those random transient cheapskates ever buy anything.
This coffee was good, and as Noble points out, there are plenty of other places to buy coffee, including a dozen within a 3 block radius. This place wasn’t even in business long enough to deserve this kind of Mia Farrow-style passive aggressive response. I can only assume this person had a bad day at the office. And by office, I mean the phone booth at the Port Authority they probably operate out of.
Also, please don't ever sign anything “Sincerely, East Village Residents” again unless you have asked at least one other person to co-sign your cry for help. Or better yet, just dial 911.
Can we bring back The Gap store that did so well in that location? xo, jg
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