The word from Tompkins Square Park: Inspectors are expected to look over the new equipment in the recently renovated Avenue B playground today (Monday!)...

If all goes well, then we should have word of a grand re-opening here soon.
The work started last Oct. 1 on the southeast portion of the Park, which saw the closure of the entrances on Seventh Street at Avenue B and Eighth Street at Avenue B. The space was expected to reopen some time this month.
H/T Steven!
Previously on EV Grieve:
Nearly 11 months in, Tompkins Square Park playground rehab winding down
This is simply ridiculous. What, then, can we expect when the Parks Department takes on the East River?
This job could have been done in a month or two. There were hardly any workers in there, likely running out the clock for minimum effort and maximum profit. Meanwhile, residents were denied egress in this part of the park and kids went all summer without the playgrounds. The ERP project will only be 10x worse.
So, almost a year to rebuild a playground. Compare that with the one year and 45 days it took to erect the Empire State Building. Priceless.
I'm gonna bet closed through the winter; reopened late spring 2020.
Absurd how long this has taken. And it's been sitting looking finished for weeks now.
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