Yesterday (9/3) at around 4:40 p.m., a man approached my two friends and I as we stood on the sidewalk talking on 10th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue ...
He asked us something along the lines of “what are you doing in my spot?” Completely unprovoked, he then kicked my friend's dog across the sidewalk — hard enough that the dog flew about five feet in the air and yelped loudly. He then walked off as though nothing had happened.
We called the cops immediately and they turned up pretty fast but no luck so far in tracking the guy down.
The reader snapped a photo of the man as he walked away. The reader said the dog-kicking suspect was a black male, 5-7 and in his late teens or early 20s with hazel-colored eyes. He did not seem "with it."
Per the reader: "Thought I’d try and make as many people in the neighborhood aware in case he tries to approach anyone else and do the same thing ..."
And the dog is doing OK.
Updated 7:15 p.m.
There are now flyers on 10th Street...

[Photo by Steven]
I guess that dog must be the one who pulled down his pants LOL.
"Assaulting women" where was that part of the story?
I did not hear about an assault from the reader.
I can picture the scene, two people with dogs chatting and blocking a sidewalk with one of two dog leashes oblivious that people need to use the sidewalk to get somewhere. The guy was a jerk for kicking "the dog flew about five feet in the air" he was NOT justified in anyway but as with most stories a bunch of details are missing and now he's accused of "assaulting women".
Way to blame the victim. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Brook Turner's innocence.
Seems to be a growing problem of indiscriminate attacks taking place on the streets a dog, a 84 year old man "thugs" acting as if they are immune to answering for their violence.
So sorry for Doggie !
Poor Baby !
What a thing to happen-
to Doggie especially and
the people.
Thanks for alerting others !
Or he's just a fucking lunatic
I saw a guy about the same age and with the same build punch a woman, out of the blue, in the head on 1st Ave and 13th street a few weeks ago. He too walked away as if nothing had happened, casually. There are also signs posted in the neighborhood about an attack by a similar individual some months ago. Whether it's the same guy as this person who kicked the dog, I don't know, but sure seems like the same predator.
I was walking on Ave A the other day and a young woman and her leashed dog suddenly ran into my path because her dog wanted to greet another dog. I said "excuse me" as in pull back your dog so I won't trip, she told be to "go around". I didn't want to kick her dog just her.
Thanks are due 'Noble Neolani' for pointing out the mysteries and nuances of this attack - it's been trademarked under 'there's always more to the story'.
It takes a certain type of human being to kick a dog hard enough to launch him into the air - the term isn't 'jerk', the proper term is 'criminal'.
Stating that the 'dog is OK' is premature - he may have suffered internal damage that won't present for some days: a single serious vet visit can eat your rent.
One person with one dog 'blocking the sidewalk' - because this asshole 'had to get somewhere' - and someone's pet could have been killed.
Hopefully it will be the other way next time.
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