The Trader Joe's signage just went up this afternoon at 436 E. 14th St near Avenue A (thanks to Mr. Baggs for the photo!) ...
No word on an opening date, though they are hiring.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Trader Joe's finally confirms that a Trader Joe's is opening on 14th Street at Avenue A
All about EVE, the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office-replacing rentals on 14th Street
Claim: A Trader Joe's won't be coming to new development at 14th and A after all
Trader Joe's: No current plans for grocery at 432-438 E. 14th St.
Looks like there's a Trader Joe's coming to 432-438 E. 14th St. after all
The incoming Trader Joe's on 14th Street at Avenue A is now hiring
...with all the distinctiveness of an interstate traffic island...fits right in with the new East Village.
I think the two Tj’s will cannibalize each other.
Thumbs down
In a couple of years, TJs will be the new C-Town or Associated.
What a lot of people don't realize is that TJs is a store for a different generation. It's not for people who cook. It's for people who reheat. It'
I like TJ's and I cook all the time.
Their sign looks fine, nothing to complain about.
Yes, a supermarket is necessary - a TJ cannot replace
a regular supermarket and very sorry
for Associated and its longtime customers -
but that doesn't make for a bad sign.
I grew up in California, and my family used to shop at Trader Joe's all the time, and we cooked. I'm excited to have a Trader Joe's in the neighborhood that's not ridiculously crowded like the one on 14th Street. My CA family is astonished when I tell them that the TJ's I normally shop at is 1/3 the size of a regular CA store and so packed sometimes that the line wraps around the entire store. This will be a much better experience for customers of the Union Square store.
Grow up people. Trader Joes isn't the enemy. There is no point in complaining about it. I for one am over the moon for this. I live in the EV and avoid the Union Square location like the plague. It's too much to bear when walking through the aisles. The mass volume of people is borderline insane. The LES location is fab. Hope this new site will be too.
anyone against this is beyond parody
10:05 cliches in overdrive!
What indicators are people seeing that this will be less crowded? Looks like a mob of people are already putting on their yoga pants and getting ready to stand in line for their plastic wrapped generic goods.
There's lots of reasons to be against a Trader Joe's moving into the neighborhood. It probably won't have a terrible effect (maybe on Target might suffer, cost of living in the neighborhood will probably go up). Anyone who cooks and knows great ingredients and good value isn't shopping at a TJ's, though.
Who will think of Target, the other gigantic corporation?!
The easiest way to reduce the cost of living here would be to build a ton of housing...
Trader Joes is a fun, friendly store,
they excel at Customer Service.
Rare is the time you get a surly associate.
Its not meant to be a supermarket or Whole Foods.
You get what you need from them, from WF's from another
supermarket, etc.
If you dont like them, why complain, just dont shop there.
Before the Farmer's Markets started choice in the neighborhood was extremely limited. Luckily we had the excellent 4th Street Coop and it is still going strong. Now the super markets are often more expensive than Whole Foods, and their cheapest brand, 365, is the worst. Another TJ's is a very welcome addition to the neighborhood, for those who cook and those who do not.
Why bother with facts? There's plenty of purchase in Trader Joe's that can be cooked at home. I'm glad the person from California spoke up because Trader Joe's has been there for generations itself. Everyone has a pulpit and a soapbox these days.
I like many people I imagine shop at half a dozen stores to get what I like to eat. TJ is one of them and I walk 20 minutes to the Deleancy Street store to avoid the Union SQ nightmare. I also hit up C-Town for some staples, one or both of the organic markets on 1st Ave and the bulk I purchase at Westside Market on 3rd. As you can see I travel a lot to get the things I like to eat so having TJ's two blocks from me is something I'm happy about. As for Associated, they did not keep up with the times in many ways and had little organic food or any fish.
Golly... alls I did was take a photo when I saw the sign up. I apologize for all the ensuing morass.
-Mr. Baggs
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