Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A new St. Mark's Place-like business opens on St. Mark's Place

New business alert from 18 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue... a smoke shop is now open in the space ... where you can pick up, say, a new ​downstem and bowl​, ash catcher, carb cap or other ​water pipe accessories​...

At the time of these photos on Sunday (thanks Steven!) there wasn't a business sign up... the previous tenant here, Addiction NYC, the tattoo parlor and smoke shop, closed at the beginning of the year.


  1. Perfect, another place that sells ridiculous outrageously expensive glass pipes for wannabe hipsters and phony hippies from Iowa on vacation trying to figure out what Greenwich Village was all about.
    Then again, if these places didn't occupy these storefronts, they would all be empty because of the ridiculous outrageously expensive commercial rents.

  2. Just what is needed in a time when a bronchial-based pandemic is ravaging the world - another place to buy stuff that helps screw up your lungs. Priceless.

  3. the headline is just perfect! haha

  4. "new ​downstem and bowl​, ash catcher, carb cap or other ​water pipe accessories​"

    I have no idea what ANY of those things are, and I guess I've saved myself a lot of money (and my lungs a lot of damage) in the process.

  5. Worry about something that matters. Worry about the microwave fry of 5G. There is no science that says it is safe. The same people who have you locked up at home.

  6. Imagine worrying that people smoke weed in 2020 when we are being told by the police to stay at home for an indefinite period of time during an election year

  7. Well, it is a new convenient store that is actually OPEN! If you look past the smoke/vape merchandise in the front of the store, there are liquids and snacks & more…

    When normal grocery stores are closing i.e. 9th & 2nd Ave, this is a welcomed event. At this point, all the little things are starting to matter more, especially if someone is investing in this neighborhood under these circumstances!

  8. Bought some snacks and munchie food - all good :)


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