Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Exquisite Cleaners is closing

From the EVG tipline (thanks Patrick!)... Exquisite Cleaners is closing after 30 years on the corner of First Avenue and Third Street...

Management is telling customers to swing by to pick up their dry cleaning by mid-June... and as the signage notes, they'll be carrying on over at their Mercer Street outpost...


  1. wah! goodbye and thank you little cleaners!

  2. Bankster1: "I see there is a clothese cleaner on a corner.
    Bankster1a: "Yes, it is offensive that they are not collectign alcohol revenue"
    Bankster1: "We need to get that useful business out of there and put in another luxury alcohol dispensery. The community needs it."
    Politician: "Is there anything at all I can do to help you make this happen?"

  3. Thia was a neighboehood gem. So sorry to see it go.

  4. NOOOOOO - damn. I thought they would
    make it. Great people & great corner/avenue location. Also, they had a Phillip Glass signed photo that I've always admired. Will miss them!

  5. Sorry to hear about this. During my time in the East Village, they were an affordable option for alterations and hemming.

  6. @11.35am Yes! I loved that they had Philip Glass's picture. 30 years is a long time for a business in the village, it's a fond farewell and best of luck.

  7. So sad. A great business and great people!

  8. Abe and company! thank you so much for taking such good care of all my cleaning and mending needs, for all of your friendly service and for being such a valuable part of the neighborhood! you will be greatly missed. Best of luck in all future endeavors!


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