Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Reopenings: Il Posto Accanto

[Photo today by Stacie Joy]

Il Posto Accanto reopens today at noon for takeout and delivery over at 190 E. Second St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Owners Bea and Julio (officially Beatrice Tosti Di Valminuta Pena and Julio Pena) made the announcement on Instagram. (And they seem quite excited to be back open.) You can find updates and daily specials on their Instagram.

The closed back on March 25.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Checking in at Il Posto Accanto

Preparing for Saturday's dinner at Il Posto Accanto on 2nd Street


  1. Hurray for Beatrice and Julio! Great Italian food and superlative service returns to the EV


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