Saturday, August 8, 2020

An East River Park reunion

Text and photos by Stacie Joy

Last Saturday, a group of longtime local residents — past and present — gathered at East River Park near 10th Street for their annual Lower East Side Unity and Pride Reunion.

Given the COVID-19 times that we live in, the Parks Department issued the permit with instructions on social distancing and handwashing as well as reminders to wear masks (which everyone did, with the exception of a few photo opps) and not to shake hands (elbow to elbow was recommended).

And so this year's gathering was more low-key with fewer attendees. However, those here were happy to be in each other's company and in East River Park for possibly one last August gathering (we thought last year might be the grand finale) before the Park is closed for five years of demolition-resiliency work.

... and everyone paid their respects to group member Philip, who passed away last fall...


  1. This is a nice annual event, but this would’ve been the year to skip it. People just need to wait until next year so we have a vaccine to get back into their routines. Hope all are safe.

  2. Glad it happened.. wish the masks were worn a little more diligently

  3. Most people are going to unmask for a photo op—and at least half the people I see every day who have masks are wearing them as chin guards.


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