Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Lucy's will reopen next month

[Photos yesterday by Steven]

Blanche’s Lucy’s Tavern — aka Lucy’s — will be closed now until later next month here at 135 Avenue A between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street.

A sign on her front door notes a September return (and we're not sure if this means Sept. 20 or maybe September 2020 in general)...

Lucy's reopened back on May 30 after the PAUSE for take-home drinks ... before going on hiatus again until late June.

Proprietor Ludwika "Lucy" Mickevicius, who has worked here for nearly 40 years, typically closes up late in the summer to visit her native Poland. (We're not sure if this is the case again this year.)

We look forward to seeing her again. Like many other businesses, Lucy's has struggled to stay afloat in recent months. Upon returning in late May, she told Bedford + Bowery that she already owed $50,000 for rent and water, though her landlord had offered to only charge her half of June's rent.

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