Saturday, September 19, 2020

Last night in Tompkins Square Park

There were reports of a pretty raucous party last night in Tompkins Square Park ... someone described it as a "rave" (with glowsticks and White Claw!). 

We're told that it was an NYU party, complete with a DJ and a crowd here past 1 a.m. We're also told that it was "a prom for those who couldn't have a prom earlier. And there was someone's birthday too..." while others said they were protesting. Something.

Given the noise, duration (four-plus hours), alcohol and lack of social distancing, observers were surprised the NYPD didn't break up the bash. And they were on patrol nearby guarding the Samuel S. Cox statue this whole time.

EVG contributor Stacie Joy was walking through the Park and took this video...


  1. These stupid children probably have no idea what happened last night, and are too lazy to go out and vote.

  2. Are you fucking kidding me? Ingrates.

  3. I was there too..definitely looked like some kind of college party.

  4. We called the 9th Precinct twice to report the lack of social distancing, lack of masks and the noise level. They did nothing to enforce social distancing guidelines and simply said the group had a permit until 12:30am.

    1. A permit until 12:30? That can not possibly be true? You can't get a permit post 10, and the park is supposed to be shut off at midnight anyway, no?

    2. A permit to have a mass gathering. Bo way. Not right now.

  5. Do you expect these kids to sit in an apt or dorm room ? These are college kids in the prime of their lives. I feel sorry for them. You are only young once. Better enjoy it

    1. just because they are young does not entitle them to disregard moral and social responsibilities during a pandemic... and your assertion otherwise is equally flagrant... have fun but at least WEAR A MASK AND SOCIALLY DISTANCE!

  6. Send NYU students home. They clearly have no regard for what our city just went through or the people who have just died.

  7. This is the weekly NYU student dance party featuring the same DJ they have been using in Washington Square Park for the past 2-3 weekends to host their gigantic dance parties, with few masks and no social distancing. Yesterday in WSP I saw the Park Police out in force finally enforcing the noise code which prohibits using amplified sound. The cops stopped a couple of jazz sax players from using a small amp. So when the NYU crowd found they wouldn’t be allowed to have their weekly outdoor rave, they moved it to TSP.

    Why isn't NYU doing anything to stop this weekly super-spreader event when it has been featured several times on the local evening news and both Cuomo and DeBlasio have asked for them to stop it? And who is paying for the DJs?

    Watch for the NYU dance party to be out in TSP again tonight while the cops protect the Saul S. Cox statue — a few nights ago I saw three squad cars and 6 cops guarding the statue, so they should easily be able to break up an illegal party.

  8. The NYPD couldn’t care less about mask and distancing (or our collective health)—they ignore those rules too.

  9. NYPD won't, hasn't and doesn't stop the privileged nyu kids from doing whatever the fuck they want to do in the east village from raging roof/house parties (with equally loud sound systems) to this mess

    yes they are kids in the prime of there lives, we were too and i can remember being told to turn it off by the cops for playing a boom box past 11 in the park (1981)

    regardless of youth that's not a good reason or excuse for shitting on other peoples time in life which might include kids, require earlier bed times and just some calm and quiet in the night

    in some part the landlords have allowed this by cramming 3 or more into a one person size flat turning our neighborhood into their profit center at the expense of the rest of us who actually live and have lived here for more than a few years and have jobs & responsibilities with little time or patience to help the raised elsewhere (or badly raised city kids) learn the ways of Basic New York Consideration

  10. This is for Anon 1:04

    So, since they are in the "prime of their lives", they are off the hook for accountability and lack of public safety during a pandemic because of their youth? Oh. Ok. I understand they need to vent and wind down, but this isn't the way to do it. If my nephews participated in this, I'd be very disappointed. It's not the the most pragmatic, smart or respectful manner to conduct yourself right now. I don't feel sorry for any of them. I feel sorry for those whom died because of COVID and the devastated families left behind to pick up the pieces. These aren't normal times. All of us have made sacrifices in different ways. Look around. The NY Marathon and Halloween Parade have been cancelled due to the lack of enforcement of social distancing and mask wearing amongst large crowds of people. Events of this nature shouldn't be allowed to have a permit, especially when others are staying home and getting ready for bed. This very scene is a smack in the face to all of the medical front runners who put their lives on the line to protect and save the public from getting infected. I guess all of us live within two separate realities.

  11. Won't get into the health aspect of this issue but this was called 'Promkins' and was a DIY prom thrown by the local kids who grew up here downtown. As these things do - it got crowded with skaters and the various NYU crews. Long live the youth of our neighborhood & especially the ones who actually grew up here. Happy to see the spirit alive and well!!

    1. Are you happy to see our neighbors suffer long difficult illness and death at the service of “spirit”? Because that’s a totally plausible outcome from events like this now.

  12. Enough is enough, I’ve been doing the right things and following the rules for 6 months, I’m over it!

  13. Every man dies not every man truly lives

  14. Nyu set these kids up to take their money knowing they couldn't actually enforce anything. This is just the start. These kids are starved of bars and party space and they are gonna get drunk and not give a f about any of it. I dont like it either but this is 100% on NYU for taking deposits in the spring and convincing students theyd be safe to return. I dont blame the students... I blame the school's greed

  15. This utter lack of consideration for the long-term residents of this neighborhood should be brought up with Carolina Rivera's office and the community board. It seems unlikely that a permit was issued for this "event" since nothing was listed for Friday night on the NYC Parks Events calendar. And, as other commentators have pointed out here, this was a grievous display of self-centered callousness, given the horrors the City just endured. Where were all these kids while the residents of this neighborhood were living with daily sirens and mounting death tolls? Were they volunteering at the hospitals? Were they participating in the daily 7pm salute? In addition, this party was held on the night of the Jewish New Year and on a day when a Supreme Court heroine passed away, adding insult to injury. Decency and social grace - are these still the values that define us as human and humane?

  16. I'm scratching my head seeing so many people calling for the heads of those who DARE to gather and interact rather than stay home and be terrorized into submission.

    I wonder whether it's envy and jealousy of youth doing what young people do, or if it's more a matter of "Well, if I have to stay inside and not go out without a mask, why shouldn't THEY have to??"

    What do you THINK happens when venues that feature live music are shut down? After six months of this shit, plenty of people understandably have had ENOUGH!

    And WHY trash the cops in the park? Ninth precinct police are being saddled with the RIDICULOUS task of watching the statue of an obscure congressman from the 1850s and 1860s around the clock as a result of a false anonymous threat made about removing the statue due to racist comments that Cox made 160+ years ago. Cops DO NOT want to be there, but there they are, following orders, because they HAVE TO.

    Meanwhile, all types of entertainers have been using parks all over the city to share their talents and abilities with a grateful public and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.

    1. I can assure you none of us are 'jealous' of the youth. Most of us long time residents have had plenty of youthful partying under our belts and arent against music and people enjoying it. What we are against is the total disregard for rules in our community that are there to KEEP PEOPLE FROM DYING. Maybe you and certainly most all of NYU decided to leave when we watched elderly neighbors be wheeled out in body bags and sirens passing every 15 minutes day and night. Have a party... have your friends over... get stupid drunk and listen to your music. There is absolutely nothing okay about a mass gathering at night right now. Im not terribly old and grumpy. Ill put on earplugs and deal... but now... with all this... with everything the people who stayed here and did to get back to safe while everyone else went away. No yiu dont get to come back and act like it never happened without pissing us off and looking like a total selfish ass.

  17. @9:40pm: No, YOU don't seem to understand the word "pandemic" - you can't buy your way out of it, party your way out of it, talk your way out of it, or use your connections to make sure you never catch it.

    The babies can't stand that live music venues have been closed for a while? Wow, do they care that churches and museums and theaters have also been shut, or is it ONLY the desires of the young that matter?

    If World War II were going on now, we would LOSE, b/c today's young people have no self-discipline, no ability to wait out a terrible event like a pandemic, and they think life consists of Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Oh, and video games. They live in fantasy land, but the rest of us live in reality, where if we get Covid, we could be dead long before our time, or left with seriously impaired health for the rest of our lives.

    I wish Covid only happened to the careless, then the rest of us who CAN control our behavior and postpone short-term desires would be 100% SAFE!

  18. This is really when you want to say something hateful, like I hope they are denied medical care when they need it.

    And With all the helicopters flying and police at various protests this weekend, could NYPD really not have done anything for this disaster last night?

  19. Whose Fukin Park ? NYU's Fukin Park.

  20. The NY Post is going to have a field day with this party scene and rightfully so.

    And YES, we expect these young adults to sit in their dorm rooms. The rest of us have been sitting in our apartments since March.

  21. Everyone in the 'hood punk rock till it's time to go to bed.

  22. Seriously how does a party have a permit until 12:30 am when the park closes at 12 AM? Something does not sound correct.
    And since the defund the police movement and threats with their budget it is obvious that NY Police are doing a work slowdown - Imagine at your job if you were met with criticism your reaction would be not doing our job .. It is amazing that NYC let's the police get away with this

    The next NYC Mayor should serious think about disbanding the current NYPD and rebuilding them as a most effective unit that reflects NYC (stop hiring cops that live in LI) and will actually protect and serve the community

  23. There’s a laundry list a mile long of events which have infected dozens and sometimes even hundreds of people with coronavirus. Even weddings which have been held outdoors have put people in the hospital. The now weekly NYU dance party doesn’t require or even ask people to wear masks. They also do not try to limit the number of people because they seem want to have as big a crowd as possible.

    On what planet is this kind of behavior OK? Hey, why don’t we just put on another Woodstock and see what happens? If NYU or any college students are not smart enough to understand why this is a bad idea, then they are probably wasting their time and money by going to college.

    At this point I’m just waiting for SantaCon to come up with another one of their fake charity event angles as an excuse to continue the annual drunk parade. I can hear them now: “SantaCon is safe because it’s outdoors! Plus the costumes provide protection from the disease! It’s for a good cause and we are collecting canned goods for the homeless!” And even if the event is cancelled or banned by the city, hordes of drunk Santa’s will still show up to spill their guts out on the sidewalk.

  24. This is an F U to all of us whom have social distanced, quarantined, worn masks when going out, washing hands, and keeping a low profile. Do you think the rest of whom have complied with public mandates wish to be in our apartments all day?

    I am astonished with the utter lack of consideration and decency towards others in this crisis. This isn't a matter of youth or entitlement, it's a matter of stupidity and respecting what has happened and what will continue to happen until there is vaccine. And, I highly doubt a permit was given to this group. Who allows such an event to take place after midnight during a pandemic no less? I am calling BS. I am also outraged when others on this thread claim the younger set need a place to hang and decompress because life is so hard for them. Boo hoo. You know what's hard? Losing someone you love to COVID.

  25. "Promkins"—that's cute :) I'm not saying spreading corona is cute so don't @ me please, I just like the event name and feel bad for these kids.

    Let's look optimistically to the future. This could finally be the year that SantaCon dies!!

  26. NYU has been lying to their own professors from the start of this. None of us believe the school has only 14 reported Covid cases. FYI we’d have to shut down and go remote if the administration reported actual cases exceeding 100

  27. Given the density of the outdoor restaurant seatings, whole blocks packed full of diners necessarily not masked for eating, drinking and talking, which has been going on for months a one or two off dance party seems like selective outrage. I am glad they squashed the sound system battles in Washington Square and if the out door restaurant seating is to continue the blasting of generic recorded music should be regulated into oblivion. Food yes okay you need to stay open, mindless techno no.

    The virus is still spreading but the curve, at least as of today, is flat. The full lock down wasn't economically sustainable because money, as we all know from experience, is more important than health.

  28. What was hard was what Anne Frank had to do to try to survive.

  29. Thank you Giovanni for your usual spot on comments as were the vast majority of others at this thread.

    I guess this NY Mag article by the great Gabriel Sherman, almost 10 years old now (11/12/2010), is now more relevant then ever.

  30. Also a shout out to Notorious:

    "The NY Post is going to have a field day with this party scene and rightfully so.

    And YES, we expect these young adults to sit in their dorm rooms. The rest of us have been sitting in our apartments since March."

  31. @5:05pm: Thank you for bringing up Anne Frank; her name has come up in my mind when considering our current pandemic "quarantines" and "lockdowns."

    Today's college kids (as was recently reported) don't necessarily know about or even "believe in" the Holocaust - and some of them said they thought the Holocaust was about Jews killing OTHER people!!

    Thus, I'm sure they'd draw a blank on the name "Anne Frank" - b/c they are too busy with video games & tiktok to have read an actual BOOK.

    And that, my friends, is a good example of why this country is going to go down the tubes sooner rather than later. The upcoming generations don't read, they are poorly informed, and they don't ask or listen to what older people say, and they don't actually care to know anything about history, whether American history or world history or otherwise.

    My advice to young people today is to start learning either Russian or Chinese, b/c in another 10-15 years one of those will be the language that the new rulers of the USA will speak.

  32. I dont support this type of partying

  33. As a former NYU student (graduated mid-00s), I have to say that this is extra disappointing. Yes, I did dumb stuff when I was a student there, but nothing like this. And yes, I am fully aware of NYU's reputation in the city and perhaps the country - a bunch of spoiled, over-privileged mostly white kids. That's not the entire story of the kids who went there then or go there now, but yes that does apply to many. However, that does mean that these kids should be this dumb and disrespectful. NYU should do more to to discourage this kind of behavior and hold these students accountable.
    Also, what is up with the NYPD's apparent lack of a response. Also incredibly disappointing that they let the white rich kids get away with whatever they want.

  34. Why do people in US call college students, "kids"? They are adults.

  35. The fun police are out in full force. NY is getting a couple thousand positive COVID tests per week in a state of 20 million... will COVID have to be eradicated before the fun police allow youngsters to congregate again? Give me a break and quit griping on the internet

  36. So much HATE here. Those of you who have been terrorized into submission ought to redirect your anger at those who are RESPONSIBLE for what you are experiencing, not at those who are not afraid.

    It's one thing for you to be terrorized. It's quite another when you ATTACK those who do not comply with absurd edicts issued by a hypocritical governor and mayor.

    Misery sure does love company....

    1. As a long time east villager, I agree. There is a bit too much condemnation, condescension directed to young people here. Festivus is in December and I accept your airing of grievances for Santacon but relax and if being around people bothers you, don’t and try not to judge too much, it’s unhealthy.

  37. Lots of cops in this thread...

  38. The email to report this is:

  39. This is the most narcissistic, ignorant thing I have ever heard. The yuppies think we are jealous of them, the developers think we are jealous of them, Donald and Ivanka Trump think we are jealous of them. To say that we should have to bend for these people because they have been cooped up is puritanical and submissive.


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