Friday, October 9, 2020

Reminders: Tomorrow is a community clean-up day in Tompkins Square Park

As a reminder... reposting from Sept. 24...

Johnathan Young, the head gardener in Tompkins Square Park, along with longtime EV resident Penny Rand, are organizing a cleanup day on Saturday, Oct. 10.

Here are more details via an email from Young:
As many of you know, the city and the Parks Dept. have had massive budget cuts. Recently I have been assigned to work many other locations, leaving Tompkins vulnerable to trash and weeds.

So with that being said, we are hoping to gather as many folks as we can for Saturday, Oct. 10. We will meet at the main office in Tompkins at 11 a.m., have some coffee and donuts, and then concentrate on areas of the park together. Bring a mask and gloves. Feel free to bring any gardening supplies you prefer — otherwise we will have tools and such.
 And this is the main office...


  1. I hope the NYU students don’t show up after this and try throw another maskless rave. I hope they show up before and help!

  2. Just came by but didnt see anyone. Are these organized on a regular basis?


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