Friday, October 9, 2020

The Modern Love Club giving up its 1st Avenue space; last show on tap this weekend

The Modern Love Club will close at the end of the month here at 156 First Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street. Proprietor Amy Van Doran recently made the announcement on Instagram.

Van Doren and Emily Lesser operate a longtime matchmaking service and also use this space as a gallery. 

More on the closing in a moment. Tomorrow and Sunday will mark their very last show here — "Frantic Romantic!" ... "a photographic study of the romantic subconscious" by koko_bode.

Viewing is from 2 to 8 p.m. Per the invite: "We will be letting in masked sanitized viewers up to two at a time every 15-20 minutes. Please come healthy and safe!"

As for the closing, here's part of the announcement via Van Doran:
Don't panic. It is okay for things to change. November 1st the Modern Love Gallery will be giving up it's beautiful home. We are going deeper into our matchmaking efforts energetically because love is what we have to offer, and the matchmaking side of Modern Love is busier than ever. 

It has been a pleasure being your local store that sold nothing. Come the spring, if democracy is intact, AND we can host gatherings inside, we will be in the market for a new love clubhouse. 

Stay tuned for our last couple of programs coming up over the next month. I love you, I thank you, it has been such a wild and wonderful time sharing this magical little box in the strangest corner of the world with you.

The space opened in the fall of October 2016

Photo from the first show in 2016. 

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