Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Checkers on 1st Avenue closes

The Checkers outpost on First Avenue between 13th Street and 14th Street has closed... as the photo by Pinch shows, workers have removed the Checkers sign ... and the space is empty...

This location reopened in September after a 6-month closure during the pandemic.

Checkers debuted here in December 2014.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have ever been in a more dimly lit fast food joint before in my life. Surprised it lasted that long.

Anonymous said...

And it was the former store front for Gabay's Outlets before they relocated to Ave A.

If you've been a long time EV resident to remember.

2ndAveSilverPanther said...

I ate there once, and it was the worst food I've ever eaten in 46 years as an East Villager.