Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Cock is back open on 2nd Avenue

The Cock, closed since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, returned to service on June 24 here at 93 Second Ave. between Fifth Street and Sixth Street.

For now, the two-level bar-club is open Thursday through Saturday from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. For the holiday weekend, they will be open on July 4. Proof of vaccination is required to enter the establishment.

As we first reported, owner Allan Mannarelli, an East Village resident, was hoping to relocate the Cock ... and he appeared before CB3 this spring for a new liquor license at 112 Rivington St., the former Fat Baby space. However, CB3 denied the move. (BoweryBoogie has details on the licensing history.)

The Cock, once described as "the last filthy gay bar in New York," moved to No. 93 in late 2015 (you may recall the "Block the Cock" campaign) ... it first opened on Avenue A in 1998 before relocating to 25 Second Ave. several years later.


  1. the original Cock (bar) on Ave A will
    forever live in infamy and legend, a different time and space, iykyk

  2. I haven't been to The Cock in years. I met my ex-boyfriend there and it conjures up some bad memories, but boy did I have fun in the mid 2000's till 2010 ish. Lots of naughty adventures. I am in my mid forties now, perhaps too old to go now, but happy to see it is still going strong.


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