Saturday, May 7, 2022

[Updated] Tree down in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven Ugh. This elm tree came down this afternoon in Tompkins Square Park on Avenue A and Seventh Street during the windswept rains... no reports of injuries, but at least one car lost its windows.
This is the latest tree to come down in the Park in recent years ... see here and here and here too. 

Updated 5/8 3:30 p.m. 

The city removed most of the fallen tree... at least the parts on the sidewalk and Park entrance... thanks to Steven for these photos... 
... and the mulch is now available in the middle of the Park...
Updated 5/9 9:30 a.m. 

City workers are back to remove the remaining portion of the trunk... photos again via Steven...


  1. Imagine if this happened 24 hours later, during the farmers market?

  2. They left the base. I wonder why.
    So sorry to see yet another magnificent tree fall.


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