Thursday, November 3, 2022

Citing a reorganization, Mikey Likes It Ice Cream closes Avenue A location

As part of a brand reorganization, the Mikey Likes It Ice Cream outpost is now permanently closed at 199 Avenue A between 12th Street and 13th Street. 

Founder Michael "Mikey" Cole and his team made the announcement in an Instagram post ... with word of a new flagship store coming in the spring...
To all of our fans and supporters, we are so happy and excited to announce that Mikey Likes It Ice Cream is currently reorganizing the company to expand our products and services to the global market. Also, during this transition, we will be opening new locations, and our new Mikey Likes It Ice cream Flagship store in the spring of 2023.
The post stated that the Avenue A store closed following the constant "day-to-day battle and hardship" during the pandemic. 
We were just not able to recover fast enough and come to terms with our current landlord. Although we greatly appreciate the efforts to accommodate our needs, we understand how the pandemic itself hurt all business owners.
Although a bittersweet moment, we are very grateful for what this store has given us as a family. Over the years, we have had the opportunity to meet so many people from various walks of life and have been able to create friendships that we would’ve never had without having this store. 

We have become a staple in the community and have enjoyed watching the children of the community come to the store as children and grow into mature, responsible adults. From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank all of our customers and staff that have been loyal to Mikey Likes It Ice Cream over the years. 
Cole started the business from his parent's Stuy Town apartment, where he grew up. He later opened his first outpost here on Avenue A in 2013 and expanded to Harlem. You can read our 2013 interview with Cole here.

Ice cream aside, we enjoyed the changing artwork on the rolldown gate in the first few years ... where Andre Trenier created one of his 1980s-inspired murals corresponding with the shop's flavor of the month... favorites included Grace Jones... Teen Wolf ... Tootie from "Facts of Life" and ... Prince

Until a new outpost opens, you can still find Mikey's products for delivery online.

Image from the summer via @mikeylikesiticecream 


dwg said...

Mikey's was a great addition to the neighborhood, sad to see him go.

noble neolani said...

Sweet man, Ave A lost a star.

Anonymous said...

Wow MIKEY!!! - going to miss you brother and has been great getting to know you and become pals. Wishing you and your team nothing but continued success in the future! Ave A will not be the same.

Anonymous said...

Going to miss them. Great ice cream and more importantly, great people. I'm glad that they are staying in business and will be able to open a new flagship. I hope it's nearby!

Sarah said...

Oh, that's a shame. I remember walking up there to pick up some ice cream during the grimmest time of the pandemic, and Mikey was out there spreading the love. We'll miss him!

Anonymous said...

He was/is sooooooooo nice !
Terrible news.
I needed to sit in front of his store,
he not only did not say anything, but
asked if I needed anything.

Anonymous said...

Gonna miss you Brother, but best of luck 🍀 with the new location!! Looking forward to spring!!🙏🏻😉

Anonymous said...

Mike, you’re a star, and a blessing to the community you’ve served. Well done, brother. Hope you will rise again.

Lola Sáenz said...

Love Mikey! Will miss not seeing him on the block, Thanks for the good🍦 Always wishing You the Best

elyse said...

That is soooo depressing. I don't understand. Can someone please explain? Does global mean you can't serve the neighborhood? How do we get fresh ice cream?