Friday, July 26, 2024

Saturday in the Park

A four-band bill is slated for tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon in Tompkins Square Park... via Show Brain and starting at 2 p.m. 

The lineup features:
Skortz (we wrote about them here
Consumables — "Angular post-punk" 
• Aux Blood — "Brooklyn-based post-hardcore noize" 

Updated: Suburban Speed has been added to the bill. They lead off at 2 p.m.

Up next: Puke Island Part 12 from Iconicide on Sunday... and the 36th annual Tompkins Square Riot Reunion via The Shadow on Aug. 3-4.


  1. The 36th Annual TOMPKINS SQUARE RIOT REUNION will be a two day event (August 3 + 4), from 2pm - 6pm, in our beloved Tompkins Square Park!!!!

  2. Way 2 go Mr. Flash, Loud and Fast


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