Friday, July 26, 2024

Who wants to live in the East Village (of Downingtown, Pa.)?

As a follow-up to yesterday's post about the East Village NYC t-shirts at a Forever 21 in San Diego... an EVG reader ups the stakes with this entire community development named East Village in bucolic Downingtown, Pa. 

The East Village Home Collection includes The Tompkins. (This is a carriage home?...)
There is no mention of amenities that might include a dog run, out-of-order restrooms, a hidden mini pool, and intermittent police presence. 

And a map... (Not sure how they pronounce their Houston Street)...
Said the reader, who, like Miles Teller, originally hails from Downingtown: "Because nothing evokes EV history like a two-car garage carriage home."


  1. We have a city councilperson we'd be happy to send their way.

  2. The double whammy, international fast fashion house "Forever 21" and now the EV Theme park in a gated community. Funeral is over, now time for light refreshments.

    1. Love your comment, Noble. Spot on! I'll take a St. Germain Spritzer 😉

  3. Guaranteed it's "Houston" (a la TX) and "Bowery" (as in arrow). And the only cats to be found are the adorable kind. No whitefish, knishes, pastrami or brisket for miles. Gotta head to the Main Line for that kind of exotica.

  4. Creepy pod-peopling of our neighborhood aside for a sec: I'm concerned that these developers clearly have no idea what a carriage house is. Which is fine, I suppose, but then why are they calling these things carriage houses.

    1. Please sir, it’s a carriage HOME. We can not refer to residential buildings as “house” anymore. Only “home”. As in townhouse is now a townhome.

  5. "north orchard street" and "south orchard street"? My best laugh of the day so far; thank you!

  6. Is this for real?

    Woodbine was an interesting choice for a street name. I wonder how that came about? Anyway, looks like a great place for my rat farm.

  7. I would think Woodbine is a pre-existing road ,not part of the subdivision

  8. Hahaha, so funny! Best laugh of the week, and all the comments are spot on!

  9. To add to the realism they could hire people to act like they're mentally ill and homeless to wander around. Maybe get a few drug runners in hoodies. Crusties with tattooed faces and mangy dogs. Tag some shit. Got to have graffiti.

  10. Townhomes on Tompkins square fountain for ~$400k :

  11. Sad really.
    Hapless Wanna-be's who covet an EV address w/o the EV "amenities".

    What's next?
    East Village 'trading cards', 'colognes', room 'air fresheners' or 'ambient' soundtracks?

    I know!
    A weed store on every block!!!!

  12. Anon 10:02am Yes, exactly.

  13. And dog poops every block

  14. Coming soon: Loisaida Estates


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