Tuesday, August 6, 2024

14th Street's twinkling lights tree returns to its roots

The Mystery of the Mysteriously Illuminated Tree on 14th Street has reached an unsatisfying conclusion.

As noted on July 23, someone adorned the tree outside Beauty Bar and Coyote Ugly with a cascade of twinkling lights complete with two wall-style switches here between Second Avenue and Third Avenue. 

In any event, the tree, as of last week, is now free of its cloak of white lights.

No one claimed responsibility, but an anonymous EVG commenter reasonably explained that the Union Square Partnership created it as a festive tester tree. Per the commenter: "They are considering lighting up a bunch of trees on 14th Street for the holidays."

Some readers enjoyed the pre-holiday lights spectacular... while others stated tightly wrapping a tree in strands of lights is harmful.

For now, the tree is back to just being a tree...
H/T Brock Michael Napoli


  1. Good. I filed a complaint with the Dept of Parks.

  2. I'm sure they got a special box for your complaints


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