Monday, August 5, 2024


An EVG reader shared these photos from this morning on 10th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C... where there's a chalk campaign about the overflowing trash... and trash dumped on the sidewalk... with a "10th Street pride" message...
Perhaps the city's new official trash can, NYC Bin, will alleviate these kind of problems?


  1. It's always that specific building, always.

  2. All the effort to write with chalk? Put those same hands to work and simply pick up the trash.

    1. Why should the neighbors have to pick up other people's trash?

    2. (NOT A ) Solution

    3. sound like my landlord

  3. Call 311 daily and you can do it anonymously. It’s the only way to have a record and it makes a difference for neighborhood statistics and funding. Who owns the building? Name and shame please. Sometimes it is the only way to get things done.

  4. Use the 311 app, but always include photos.

  5. I dealt with this and 311 requested we send pics with a date and time stamp (which is not an option for my cell camera). Yes, continue to report to 311, at some point they will be fined. An uphill battle that needs to start. Wish, I had a better answer though.

    Also might consider contacting the board of health.

  6. Topo Gigio, Ratatouille, and Fivel are having a field day.


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