Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Why Dan Perino has been plastering the East Village with his 'perfect woman' flyers

Photos and text by Stacie Joy 

Dan Perino. 

If the name isn't quite familiar, perhaps his headshot is — or, more likely, his flyers. 

Ten years ago, Perino started plastering the neighborhood and other parts of NYC with flyers stating that he was "Looking for a Girlfriend," prompting various levels of contempt and curiosity. 

After a nearly 10-year hiatus, the flyers returned with the same headshot in the spring, this time "Looking for the Perfect Woman." 

In recent weeks, the messaging has evolved with declarations of "Starting my Gangster Rap Career" or "Looking for my Next Ex-Wife" ... and in a nod to the most recent presidential debate, "They're Eating all the Pussy in Springfield."
In a Facebook post, I wondered if Perino was OK. 

He responded and, after an exchange, agreed to an interview. 

Perino, 61, lives in the East Village. 

We met on the sidewalk near his apartment (sorry, ladies — I didn't get to go inside). He looks leaner than in his 2014-era headshots and now has a beard speckled with gray.

Perino had just been to an afternoon wine tasting, he confides. He showed up with a stack of flyers under one arm and a roll of masking tape on the other — always on the job.

Trying to narrow down 50 questions at once, I ask, What gives? 

"I was never looking for a girlfriend, never looking for the perfect woman. I was presenting a question to the public," he says. "I get a lot of answers. My goal was to question people, and I've gotten answers from Africa, Germany, all over the place ... people wanting to marry me. And famous people wishing me luck. If I found my version of what I was looking for, I wouldn't run away."

He continues. "I am entertaining the public. It's a social experiment, a study of human behavior and self-promotion. I'm an actor. This is performance art." 

Perino says that he made 70,000 flyers with his new series. He boasts he can post 300 flyers in an hour. He "pretapes" as he's walking, "so I can put the flyer up fast. It's a special way I pretape them." 

He goes out several times daily to post and beyond the East Village, flyering up all downtown areas. 

Perino estimates he's gotten over 5 million replies and claims to have kept a record of them. He gets calls, texts, and emails and has a separate phone for each.
If you message him, will Perino answer your queries?

"If it's a sincere question, I will answer it," he says. He estimates that sometimes he receives 100 texts an hour or 150 phone calls. He mentions constantly deleting voicemails. 

He says that since he's walking 15 to 20 miles daily and posting flyers, he's slimmer than in the original photos. Still, despite the years of looking for girlfriends, Perino remains single, and has only dated two women he met through his flyer posting. 

"I'm a workaholic. I get up at 5 a.m. or earlier and think about stuff. People don't do that anymore," he says. "I might create an art piece and then plan my day. And at 11 p.m. I'm still up, reading a book." 

So, what does Dan Perino do when he’s not creating and posting flyers? 

"I started out as a house painter and plasterer. And I still do that; I make a lot of money," he says. "I am also a visual artist and designer." He posts 16 different flyers for his painting and plastering business — using different fonts and styles to attract different clientele. (He started hanging flyers in NYC in 1979, he says.)

"You know, some flyers will have some misspelled words. Some have fancy fonts. I use different flyers for different responses." 

When I asked him if he printed his own flyers, he said no. He has a business he uses in Midtown that prints them, and he’ll pick them up and do the cuts himself. He uses a local storage place to store his extra materials and supplies. He also says he hires two designers to assist him with his creations.

Does he ever get a negative response when hanging his flyers on the streets? 

"A lot of middle-aged women took it hard. They said, 'How dare you?' and how could I be looking for the perfect woman if I'm not perfect? I tell them it's fun, opening a conversation; it's performance art," he says, claiming that businesses and restaurants like having his fliers posted outside as it draws interest.
So, what's next for Perino? 

"I'm working on a P. Diddy flyer, mentioning the baby oil."


  1. Are we 100% sure that he’s not the same guy who rolls himself up in a carpet so that people can step on him?

    1. That's Georgio Carpet. I've met -er stood upon him. This isn't him. I even put him in one of my performance events years ago!

    2. This is actually brad pit impersonating dan perino!!!

  2. My performance art is throwing them away.

  3. Not entertaining, especially the ball sack and pussy ones. The pussy one makes it seem like he’s maga. How many wall repair flyers do we need? What a waste paper.

    1. He's a famous actor staring in looking for a girlfriend without Brad pit.

  4. Not entertaining, please stop!

  5. Fun! thanks for the interview!

  6. "Trying to narrow down 50 questions at once, I ask, What gives?"

    Well done, Stacie.

  7. "walking 15 to 20 miles daily ". Now that's a good thing.
    "it's performance art," he says,"
    I am in no way artistic but my wife is an artist. And she agrees with me, it's not art. Anyone can be a gadfly.
    "My performance art is throwing them away."
    Now that's funny and since comedy is an art.....
    "I'm working on a P. Diddy flyer, mentioning the baby oil."


  8. Tragedy that there is so much paper
    wasted to get his jollies off.

  9. One more thing. "(sorry, ladies — I didn't get to go inside)"

    Good move.

  10. I think the black nail polish he's wearing is a "tell".

  11. If he is The same person putting up the “wall repair” flyers then he should be arrested. It’s nothing but littering, they all end up on the streets ripped up. Somebody should take this guy away and put him in nuthouse where he belongs. Leave our beleaguered neighborhood alone with your garbage. It’s not art it’s crap. Go away go far far away!

    1. It is the same person

    2. Sounds like you want him to join you in the house you’ve mentioned 😂

  12. and Black Nail Polish? mmmmkkkkaaaayyyyy

  13. Wow, Stacie for mayor!

  14. just another textbook incel

  15. I think he creates a lot of litter and I wish he would stop.

  16. You're braver than me, Stacie!

    "A lot of middle-aged women took it hard." <--this is how you can tell he's actually a jerk. It's not only those sad middle-aged women who aren't into you, dude. (Also, it's hard enough flyering for missing pets as it is without "fake" flyers with pet images grabbing attention.)

  17. his next flyer should read:
    🎶 guess I’m gonna have to tell ‘em,
    I ain’t got no cerebellum!🎶

  18. I’ve seen this guy in person while he posts his flyers and he looks nothing like his headshots. Definitely looks a lot older.

  19. good god not the new flyer idea

  20. Please stop posting these awful flyers! I and many others have taken to ripping them down whenever I see them. They are not artistic or funny, the are insulting and a terrible waste of trees!! What sane woman would tolerate a person who does this?

  21. Is this the biggest "get" for EVGrieve since the Chillmaster interview? Congratulations Stacey, you managed to get an an interview (and photos) of a guy we've all been curious about for years!

    This is the type of investigative reporting I come to EVGrieve for!!

  22. He’s not doing anything illegal?

  23. Not illegal just rubbish.

  24. Does anyone even believe his name is what he claims it is?

    He could have a nice girlfriend in Anna Sorokin; I bet they have a lot in common. Like Mad Magazine's old "Spy vs. Spy" cartoons.

    IMO, he comes across as a complete BS artist - and BS is the only "art" he's involved with.

  25. He says: "I am entertaining the public. It's a social experiment, a study of human behavior and self-promotion. I'm an actor. This is performance art."

    Yeah, NO.

    He's entertaining his ego while wasting vast amounts of paper and tape. We can all vouch for the fact that none of it is "entertaining" to us!

    It's also not any kind of social experiment, nor is he actually "studying" human behavior.

    Nor do I believe for a millisecond that he's gotten 5 million responses and kept a record of all of them.

    s a "doesn't have a life" person ... has just come from a wine tasting, despite being in such demand as a plasterer!!


    1. Art without a reaction means it’s awful art. This over emotional reaction you have means he’s a great artist. Who are you to judge what is art and what isn’t? Are you god? You reacted; that is the point of art, to make someone have a thought. Art is the human expression, and however someone may express themselves is art. Who are you? Why do you believe you are allowed to dictate what art is? You are the one with the huge ego!

  26. oh goodness gracious someone is doing something other than retweeting kamala and oh my god the man is printing out paper (a renewable resource) and trying to do his own vision of art that you disagree with, GET RID OF HIM! this man is embodying the east village.

    1. So the climate cost of cutting down trees, creating woodpulp, and bleaching the pulp so it will create white paper doesn't matter to you at all? I used to work in the pulp & paper industry, and if you'd ever seen a pulp or paper mill in operation, you would be up in arms over the toxic chemicals involved. If he's doing tens of thousands of flyers over time, hell yeah, that matters. Otherwise, you can stop caring about *anything* anyone else is doing that you think is causing unnecessary pollution.

      PS: If he's the embodiment of the East Village, you should be very concerned for the future.

    2. Ohhh nooo! Dan perino is wasting paper? What about micheal Bloomberg’s private jet? What about Taylor swifts private jet???? What about the trillions of emissions temu and Shein create with their terrible clothes? Dan perino is Satan!!!

    3. honey, just because delusional perverts "embody" the EV doesn't mean anyone has to like it. grow up

    4. He is embodying commonplace masturbatory boomer humor. No one said it’s the worst thing in the world but it is boring.

  27. I see a man going around taking off the "they eat pussy" flyers. Which one of you is him? Talking about getting a life...

  28. Giving him "press" is just feeding the addiction. He's an attention whore, not an artist of any sort, and likely mentally challenged. There are too little resources to improve the quality of life for less-successful senior citizens; we need job and housing resources and apprenticeship programs, food pantries, arts funding, and opportunities for more constructive uses of our time. And yeah, I can say this because I am one, and the landscape/outlook for unskilled senior-age workers who must remain working in this time of late-stage capitalism is grim at best. This man is a menace and a polluter. And the flyers' tone screams of MAGA.

  29. There seem to be a number of men around his age who somehow find themselves incredibly funny and endlessly interesting despite being quite dull, poorly to average informed, and having extremely commonplace humor. Irreverence in particular they adore. Always knocking their own socks off with it. I suppose it’s a type of cultural solipsism. This guy has taken it to new heights.

    1. IMO, this is just him being "infantile" or maybe a case of "arrested development."

      And I wouldn't say he's taken it to new heights, but that he's taken it to new depths, and is apparently nowhere near the bottom.

  30. Fun read. Anka Radakovich has also written entertainingly about this guy –

    1. Thanks! Very interesting article.

  31. Can't wait for his next series, when he's 70 years old: "Looking for a nurse with a purse"!

    I hope he meets someone who's EXACTLY like himself, down to the last quirk.

  32. This is exactly what he wants...


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