Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Another local Duane Reade by Walgreens closes

The Duane Reade by Walgreens on the SW corner of Broadway and Fourth Street closed yesterday. (H/T to the EVG reader who shared this info.) 

 Prescription holders here are being sent to the CVS on Bleecker...
As USA Today reported last month: 
The thinning of Walgreens locations has been in the works. Walgreens said in October 2024 it planned to close about 1,200 underperforming stores across the U.S. as a strategy to offset declining profits resulting from low drug reimbursement rates and sluggish retail sales. 
This is the latest Walgreens or Duane Reade to shutter around here in the past 5-6 years. The oddly configured Walgreens on 14th Street and Fourth Avenue closed in January 2022, the Walgreens on Astor Place closed in August 2020, and three neighborhood Duane Reade by Walgreens locations shut down: The outpost on Avenue D at Houston and First Avenue between 14th Street and 15th Street shuttered in November 2019, while the storefront on 10th Street and Third Avenue shut down in early March 2019

Still, it seems like there are still a lot of Duane Reades around.

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