However, Team Shorty's withdrew their proposal ahead of the October CB3-SLA committee meeting. Now, there's a new applicant for the space, which, until July, housed the Thai restaurant Bodhi Tree.
There aren't many details on the application (PDF!) filed ahead of this month's CB3-SLA committee meeting on Nov. 16. The restaurant is going by the name of Mulan East with posted hours of 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday; until 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.
The configuration shows 17 tables good for 46 seats and well as a service bar with four seats. According to the paperwork, the two principals, listed as Ling Xia He and Yung Ping Wong, have not previously held a liquor license. They are seeking a beer-wine license for this space.
In other applicant news this month, the plan to convert the now-closed NatureEs juice bar/wellness center on East First Street into a Spanish bistro appears to be on hold. The applicants have withdrawn from the November CB3-SLA meeting.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Shorty's eyeing former Bodhi Tree space on 3rd Avenue
At NatureEs, the Mars Bar replacement that apparently is no longer open