And he does not have fond memories of the neighborhood, at least on weekend nights... as he discusses his former apartment on Avenue A and East Third Street.
“Two things made me want to leave the East Village. It was awful, party-central loud and obnoxious. On Friday and Saturday nights, it’s the worst f - - king place in the world. It’s like the French Quarter. There’s broken glass and trash everywhere, puking, yelling and fighting. That combined with how many great little places were turning into Duane Reade and Subway sandwich and Chase banks. And 7-Eleven? That’s not why I moved to Manhattan.”
Cross now lives in Brooklyn.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Commenter comedy gold
The EV Evil Triumvirate (IHOP, 7-Eleven and Subway) sends David Cross packing to Brooklyn
[Image via Wikimedia Commons]