As you may have heard,
Page Six Magazine, which is free in the Sunday
Post after you pay $1.25 for the paper, will now appear quarterly. The Feb. 15 edition will be the last on the weekly schedule. The recession and continued advertising decline
are the culprits. Some staffers will be let go. Of course, I'm sorry to see anyone lose a job.
Selfishly though,
how will I get my weekly fix of the likes of Ivana Trump's Ivana-logues column? This and other P6M features are arguably some of the most over-the-top, what-recession?, yuppiefied crap ever put to paper.
For instance, consider this week's installment of the Ivana-logues, under a headline "God forbid you sit next to some fatso at Fashion Week."
Indeed!Anyway, in another titillating item from this week's column:
I underwent a "recession makeover" for the March issue of Harper's Bazaar (on stands February 17), and it was fun, to a point. There are three things I dislike: rice pudding, social climbers and photo shoots — though not necessarily in that order. I knew they were going to put my hair down. My hairdo has become my trademark and my curse because if I show up at a gala with my hair down, people shriek, "We want Ivana!" And I say, "You have Ivana." And they say, "No, we want the Ivana hairdo." So I told Bazaar, "I will not cut my hair, because if I do, I cannot put it in a chignon." But the crew was fabulous. And I had a great laugh about the story. If people were not interested, magazines would not write about me. I am what I am.
Doesn't get much better than this!So! What other gems have we picked up from
Page Six Magazine through the months...?
Private Clubs: Hideouts of the Rich and Shameless"
Meet the new Carrie BradshawThe Oct. 19 Ivana-logues (bonus excerpt!):
"You think I'm going to send a $10,000 Dolce & Gabbana suit to Honduras? UPS takes like three weeks. It's never going to arrive because somebody will steal it." Countries like that are beautiful but they are very poor, OK? So I am passing on that. Rossano is just looking for adventure. But I am really slightly worried. In the jungle there are no mobile phones, no computers and no cigarettes, but there are plenty of tarantulas, cockroaches and snakes. I hate those slimy things. I can deal with the sharks on Wall Street and the barracudas on Madison Avenue, but this is really too much."
Celebrities are just like us! (Dive bar edition)
And finally the most bestest ever
Page Six Magazine column...from June 15 -- "The Socializer" by "woman-about-town" Kelly Killoren Bensimon. She wants to be a real-life Angelina Jolie (or something) and see Africa. You just have to read her column for yourself. (Click on the image for a better view.)

Gawker picked up my post ...
Page Six Mag: African Suffering Is Trendy. Hey Look, Diamonds!