There's probably a good explanation for this. Photo in Tompkins Square Park today by Bobby Williams, who maybe could have sold this to the Daily Bugle.
Bouncy castle! (And not quite sure why Batman and Superman get such low billing here...) Oh! All this during the Loisaida Festival today on Avenue C today... we'll post more photos tomorrow... this shot is via Peter Parker Bobby Williams.
Shawn Chittle notes the late-night filming of "The Amazing Spider-Man" on the Williamsburg Bridge. Taken from Avenue A and 11th Street toward the southeast around 1:30 a.m.
Here are some shots by James and Karla Murray on Flickr.
I continue to read about Spiderman sightings in the neighborhood. The most recent sighting came over the weekend on The Wednesday Weekly, who reported: "Spidey had just gotten off the L Train from Brooklyn (I thought he lived in Queens...) and appeared to be heading somewhere in the East Village."