EVG reader Mike H. on the Ninth Street spotted these flyers this morning on non-abandoned-looking bikes along East Ninth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D…

Per the sign:
"Please be avised due to the number of 311 calls and community complaints regarding the bikes on the sidewalk which have been left for extended time and seem to be abandoned.
You are requested to remove the bikes to a proper location within the next three (3) day from today (September 16, 2015) otherwise they will be deem abandoned and Department of Sanitation will remove and discard."
Hmm, not sure if these are legit NYPD signs or the creation of an annoyed resident. Anyway, per the signs, people have until Wednesday to move the bikes… Anyone spot these bike flyers elsewhere?
Probably a good idea for the city to be proactive on this to head off an expose by the Post. ("Even abandoned bikes say de Blasio has been a failure...")