[Looking north on 3rd Avenue at East 13th Street/John Fensten]
Last Friday, I posted sampling of photos that EVG Facebook friend Susan Fensten and her father, John Fensten, took around the East Village in the 1980s.
The above photo showing the old Variety and the Dugout Tavern on the west side of Third Avenue between East 13th Street and East 14th Street brought out the most reader comments.
Back in September 2012, Vanishing New York reader Jason Fernau shared this photo and some memories of the Dugout with Jereniah Moss ...

[Photo from 1983 by Jason Fernau]
The Dugout had one night bartender, Bob from NJ. It seemed like he worked every night, though he must have had a day off. The place was never busy enough to need more than him. I think sometimes in a crunch there was somebody else who would rinse mugs and put them in the freezer. Nicest guy you could ever imagine. Ready with a smile, did what was needed, when it was needed, and we thanked him every time and he thanked us every time for coming in. From the first to the thousandth time you ordered a beer from him, Bob would say "Frosted Mug?" as if the answer could ever be anything but "Yes."
And those frosted mugs were 50 cents.
Read the rest of the post here at Vanishing New York.
The Dugout morphed through the years ... to The Pit Stop, Looking Glass and finally Finnertys.
It was erased to make way for the towering glassy condos of 110 3rd Avenue.
Also, on Wednesday, Curbed did a few now-and-thens with these photos right here.
Previously on EV Grieve:
14 photos of the 1980s East Village