An EVG reader shared this story with us from the past week that we missed...
As Town & Village first reported, Midtown-based Manhattan Cryobank sent a mailer to to all of Stuyvesant Town’s buildings (though not Peter Cooper’s) "because of the high population of NYU graduate students and men in their early twenties to early thirties."
As you might expect, the mailer didn't go over real well with some folks.
Per one resident:
“This is the kind of PR that Tishman and CWCapital have been putting out that people are sending us that. We’ve never received this kind of thing — this is what they think this neighborhood is? What if you sent your kid down to get the mail? We do not want to be known as the sperm bank neighborhood. I think the new people (Blackstone) should know about this. They bought a sperm bank.”
Anyway, Spring Break!